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Kathy M

Since I am really new to this can someone help with this question? Is Bicuspid arotic Stenosis the same as Bicuspid Aortic Valve disease?

I have so many questions. When I got the news I more or less freaked and didn't ask to much. I didn't KNOW what to ask either.

Kathy M.
Kathy M said:
Since I am really new to this can someone help with this question? Is Bicuspid arotic Stenosis the same as Bicuspid Aortic Valve disease?

I have so many questions. When I got the news I more or less freaked and didn't ask to much. I didn't KNOW what to ask either.

Kathy M.

Hi Kathy

Stenosis is a flavour of BAV. Here's a doc that can help w/ many Qs.
hi hope this helps a little my daughter has bavd just found this all out mysself and did the same as you freaked out i think the stensios means that the valve is narrowing but im not posative on that the people on this site are great and we will try and help with your questions and give you all the support we can take care
Hi Kathy. Just 2 weeks ago I had my diseased aortic bicuspid valve replaced. I found out about the bicuspid part over 25 years ago. The disease began more than 10 years ago. For me the disease was aortic stenosis, a stiffening of the defective valve. It was a very slow progression and then sped up somewhat significantly there towards the end. There is also a calcification process which is part of the disease and is much like tooth tartar. Sometimes the calcification gets very heavy and the stiffening action is further debilitated. For me, I did not have that much calcification beyond the actual valve so my procedure was quick and (knock on wood) trouble free. Sometimes, rather than having constricted flow, the valve is leaking. That is called regurgitation or AI aortic insufficiency. I should think that would also be considered valve disease, but maybe not. Sometimes there are aneurisms, or tearing of parts of the aortic system. Again, is this called disease? I would think so as they are conditions which over time can get worse.

It would help us to help you if you would please get a copy of your most recent echo report. I did not do that over the years, and was not able to recreate my progression completely (something only I was personally curious about). We can help you read it, answer some questions, and help you develop new lists of questions for your cardio. Once you understand things better you will find that you won't be anywhere near as freaked out as you were at the beginning.

Good luck and keep posting!

Thank you all so much. I will call and get a copy of the report. You are right about that, because right now I really don't have much to go on. I believe that my cardiologist knew that I could not handle too much info at the time. He said I could call him if there was anything he could help me with. Like I said at the time I just needed some time to absorb what was just told to me.

I was just telling a new friend of mine what a wonderful group of people everyone here is. I just sent her the address.

Thanks again :)
Kathy M