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Has anyone felt like the blood is rushing really fast through your veins?
Certainly immediately before my op I could put my hand on my upper chest and really feel the blood "squeezing" thru the valve which seemed to be replicated thru my veins. Dont know if that is the kind of feeling you are getting or whether you are referring to pre or post op.

Thats a great description...

I definately have odd symptoms like that....

When I put my arms up over my head onlookers can see and I can feel ,the blood falling-rushing out of my arms and with about 1-2 seconds the veins are empty :eek: :rolleyes: ...
If I keep my arms up over my head for much longer than a few seconds they will pretty-much totally drain-out and they get weak and ache really badly...

This also happens to me when I move my arms around and I can accidentally cut my circulation off in my arms (legs too ;) ) by moving them around.

Lying on my side I also do it frequently, its not a nice feeling, but at least I know when I do it and adjust my posture to get the blood flowing again :rolleyes:

I have yet to get a really good answer as to why or how etc. this happens to me but it is very very obvious .

My hands will get all tingly and blotchy or white as the proverbial ghost! Cold fingertips all year 'round , even in the middle of summer is another thing I have.

The veins in my arms, that were seconds ago bulging with blood actually collapse and becomes hollow indentations/canyons...

I have been trying to figure out how to get a picture of it...Its easy enough to show the doctors and they just look at me as if I am really weird!:D

It is defiantely something to do with circulation and/or blood pressure but what it means I have no-idea...

My blood pressure has always been pretty high ...even on my increased BP meds its still borderline high on many days....

If anyone has some answers I'd be very interested.
Ton, do you get short of breath when your arms are up over your head?
Ohio. Hi. Is this regarding your daughter? Are these symptoms she's trying to describe? Maybe she is having heart palpitations. There are 2 kinds of those, ones you don't need to worry about, and ones that deserve a little more attention. Is the heart pounding, or all flippy floppy feeling when this occurs? Please let us know abit more. It is often helpful, here, to get your ideas out, get a clearer description of what the sensation is, and then direct your questions to the doctor. What I've found, here, is that I can clearly define what is going on with me with the help of others who have felt the same kind of thing.

Hope this helps.

Karlynn said:
Ton, do you get short of breath when your arms are up over your head?

Hi Karlynn...hope you don't mind me butting in here....I have had problems for years with raising my arms over my head...thought it was just me :eek:

First noticed when I couldn't hold the hair dryer up high without feeling short of breath/chest pressure and then my arms would shake. After reading your post I tried to hold my arms up over my head while sitting here at computer (luckily I'm home alone!). Had to stop after about a minute. Chest felt tight and harder to breathe. Even now, a few minutes after lowering them, I feel really drained/ if I've just run up and down stairs a few times....could this be anything to do with mitral regurg?

Hmm-m-m - this is one I don't remember experiencing, but I know I couldn't lift stuff long before I had any inkling something was really wrong with me. I have one arm that's weak and has nerve damage (from having lymph nodes removed), and I always attributed the lifting issue to that. Altho I remember I couldn't lift my grandson and walk around comfortably when he was really little.

I had no problem with my second grandbaby (born after ohs).

Can't wait to see more replies . . .
YES ! Karlynn how did you know :D ...

have you been watching me ?..

Whats it all mean?...

its been driving me crazy for a few years now and as a mum of 2 teen boys and a 10 yr old I am exhausted trying to keep up with the cleaning :rolleyes:
and I always end up at my Rheumatologists getting cortisone shots in my elbows for Golfers' elbow OUCHEEEE!!! and I have never played golf in my life!...LOL!

hanging the washing on the line...
NO-WAY it all goes straight into the dryer :rolleyes:

I even avoid washing my hair cos its so tiring...

my Grandma had the same problems too and she lived to be 91 :D

now I am going to wait anxiously for your reply cos its been annoying me for so long and you sound like you know the answer :D ...
Ever since my first OHS I have had problems with holding my arms up. I used to dry clothes on a line but had to buy a dryer. My arms get very weak, start to ache and basically drop on their own. I thought it was due to some type of chest muscle weakness from surgery. I have never talked to a doctor about it and don't really know why. I just avoid any reaching or lifting for more than a few seconds.
This is very interesting.