Thats a great description...
I definately have odd symptoms like that....
When I put my arms up over my head onlookers can see and I can feel ,the blood falling-rushing out of my arms and with about 1-2 seconds the veins are empty
If I keep my arms up over my head for much longer than a few seconds they will pretty-much totally drain-out and they get weak and ache really badly...
This also happens to me when I move my arms around and I can accidentally cut my circulation off in my arms (legs too
) by moving them around.
Lying on my side I also do it frequently, its not a nice feeling, but at least I know when I do it and adjust my posture to get the blood flowing again
I have yet to get a really good answer as to why or how etc. this happens to me but it is very very obvious .
My hands will get all tingly and blotchy or white as the proverbial ghost! Cold fingertips all year 'round , even in the middle of summer is another thing I have.
The veins in my arms, that were seconds ago bulging with blood actually collapse and becomes hollow indentations/canyons...
I have been trying to figure out how to get a picture of it...Its easy enough to show the doctors and they just look at me as if I am really weird!
It is defiantely something to do with circulation and/or blood pressure but what it means I have no-idea...
My blood pressure has always been pretty high ...even on my increased BP meds its still borderline high on many days....
If anyone has some answers I'd be very interested.