Question to mechanical valvers!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Northern Minnesota
:confused: OH! It sucks to be worrying again! Things have been going sooo well!

Nathan just told me about something strange has happened twice in the past week. 2 nights ago, while almost asleep, he heard some out of the ordinary, harder clicking. "Chug Chug Chug" (I know, looks stranges in print but you get the idea...) lasting about 3 seconds, and by the time he checked his pulse, it was completely normal. He felt nothing in his chest, felt no "palpations" per say...and he knows exactly what atrial fib feels like, as well as PVCs....this was something he describes more as 'hearing'. It happened once at work as well. He denies pain or shortness of breath, no sweating. I am ready to call the cardio though. I worry about one of the leaflets not performing. Has anyone experienced anything like this???? Now maybe I am pusing the panic buttons (nothing new there) but even if you guys have not had these symptoms, what would you do? Call the cardio?
More than likely it is nothing but a change in the sound of the valve is something that should be checked.

I would call the cardio and put your mind at rest.
Thanks Gina for your fast response--He had a hard week at work, on the 15th he had one stop where he had to lift twenty 50 lb bloxes and he said he was pretty darn winded afterward. I am thinking that this episode may have followed that night. Then today, he had to "push start" a UPS truck due to dead battery....5 months post open heart surgery...ugh....I am finding my job easier by the day!
Lifting twenty 50 lb boxes and pushing a UPS truck!!!

I know it is difficult to avoid lifting, BUT....discussing limits with your cardiologist may help.
hiya guys!...

I agree...

I would give the cardio a call just to ease your minds and maybe a revison of the discussion about being "superhuman" would be useful...

I will be thinking of you all...
The loudness and tone of the valve clicking can be very position dependant. I find it can go from inaudible while standing to VERY loud while sitting and bending foward. In certain positions I can get the heart to press against the trachea and with my mouth open, you can hear it across the room. Still freaks my wife out. :D
He might have been throwing a few PVC's or such. One thing to remember is that everyone has periodic spurts of arrhythmia - not just valvers. It's just that with a mechanical valve, and a quiet room, they become apparent.

Call the doc for a check in to see what he says. Peace of mind is a valuable thing. Stress and fatigue can cause bouts of arrhythmia.
Jim sometimes gets like a stronger beat or two and it does usually happen when he's either really tired or has been rushing round non-stop all day (or both). His cardio seemed completely underwhelmed when we told him about it. Like Karlynn said, arrhythmias can happen to anyone but it's particularly noticeable with a mechanical valve because of the clicking. Would definitely be worth discussing limits of activity with his cardio though!