Friends, can someone explain to me what they mean by being consistant with what you eat when eating foods high in Vit K? I love turnip greens and they are on the very high list. Does this mean I can not eat them or if I eat them on Sunday I need to eat them every Sunday. I am still very very new to this Coumadin thing and still haven't figured out what I can and can not eat. I saw the lists that you guys sent me and I appreciate that, but I need to know if It is best to eat the same foods on the same days of the week. It seems that everything I am use to eating and love, is high in vit k. I also love beef liver and they say it carries quite a high volume of vit k also. How do I plan my weekly menus?
Also, I am not a real breakfast eater because when I am working i have to be at work at 630 am. I usually don't eat until maybe 1130 or 1200 (when I am able to take a lunch break). Since my surgery I have had to eat more smaller meals more times a day. How can I do this when I return to work? I don't want to get those dizzy spells from not eating while I'm at work and there are days when I am so busy that I don't stop for lunch, therefore, I don't eat until after work which is after 3pm. These are things that concern me about going back to work. I will be 6 weeks post op on this Friday and I have a doctors appointment. I am really considering asking if I can go back to work on next Monday instead of being out 3 more weeks. What do you think?
Also, I am not a real breakfast eater because when I am working i have to be at work at 630 am. I usually don't eat until maybe 1130 or 1200 (when I am able to take a lunch break). Since my surgery I have had to eat more smaller meals more times a day. How can I do this when I return to work? I don't want to get those dizzy spells from not eating while I'm at work and there are days when I am so busy that I don't stop for lunch, therefore, I don't eat until after work which is after 3pm. These are things that concern me about going back to work. I will be 6 weeks post op on this Friday and I have a doctors appointment. I am really considering asking if I can go back to work on next Monday instead of being out 3 more weeks. What do you think?