Having completed a 2nd Opinion with Dr. Thomas Gleason (Dr. Patrick McCarthy's referral), I suppose I am now officially a resident in the pre-surgery waiting room. My wife and I spent Tuesday morning with him, and were both very impressed with him. He reviewed my records, and viewed the DVD of my most recent Echo's and CT Scan. He recommends that's I have surgery in the next 6-12 months. It's amazing that as rattled as I have been lately because of this problem, I felt a nice quiet resolve after the consultation. I guess the realization that this needs to be done... has finally sunk in. WOW! I'm still probably about 5-6 months out, but we talked at length (lotsa of samples) about valve selection and the dacron aortic graph. As I have read here countless times, he wants me to make an informed valve decision. I was always leaning toward the St. Judes mechanical, but I could not help but think that he thought the stentless porcine might be the valve of choice for my situation (he never said it, but both Donna and I got the same impresson). His said the porcine valve has the best "hemodynamics" that is most like that of humans. He also said that I could very well expect 12-15 years (maybe) more from one. Anyway....Here's my Question. As I've previously posted, I'm currently (aside from the avr/stuff) in really good health and I feel terrific...But... in the last 4 years I have 2 bouts with diverticulitus...(one requiring an overnight hospital stay, and a recent minor bout). I've developed a real appreciation for salads, veggies and high fibre food. I recently read on a website that coumadin is not good for people with diverticulitus. Do any members have any insight as to the upside/downside effects of coumadin and diverticulitus?? My research into valve selection is in the primitive stage right now, and I know that if I choose to go tissue, there are no guarantees that coumadin will not be required. I also realize that (Good Lord willing), I'll require another surgery. In conclusion, because of the diverticulitus I'm kind thinking "PIG". Maybe this is a question for AL?? Any thoughts...Comments??? As always, thanks for reading.