Question for the ladies

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Hey all,
I know, I know, I haven't been on here hardly at all lately. :rolleyes: Life's been a little crazy to say the least. I could write a book about the last month, but I'll save you the pain. :p

I've been thinking about getting some acrylic nails put on....haven't done that since before OHS, but was wondering if there are any risks with having them done. I know there's a risk with everything, but how high is the risk of infection or something like that with having nails done?? I'm sure there's someone out there that has some experience with this. I love the french manicure look and my own nails are usually pretty healthy and strong, but in the winter months they become pretty brittle. Don't ya just feel better when your nails look good??? :D

I would like to hear any experiences, good and bad, that any of you have had.

I'm coming up on my 1 yr anniversary next Mon. the 25th. I'll start another post about that as it gets closer. I don't see my cardio 'til Nov. 2nd. though. A little anxious just to make sure everything is still okay in there. :eek:

Hope to hear from some of you soon!!! We've got some catching up to do!! ;)
I hav not anything done to my nails since surgery. But i did have pedicure befor I went to Denver. I can't see why there would be a problem as long as the place is clean. I had my done for a class reuinon some time ago they were a pain because I was not used to them. ANd I like to never got them off.
Oh yes!

Oh yes!

Loved my acrylics....until I got a fungal infection. Was going for my fills every two weeks as suggested. Seems as if my hands are constantly in water so I am certain that was the cause. They are lovely and hold the polish. But I would not do it again.

PS. Guess we missed you in Golden Dee. Maybe next time. :)
I didn't have a good experience with acrylics. They are great, but they do a lot of damage to the nail bed and can lead to some pretty bad stuff. Paula Abdul almost lost her thumb from an infection of her nail - acrylic related.

I wouldn't take the chance.
I used to have acrylics but always found that after a while I tired of them and then it was such a nuisance removing them. I don't think I would do it again now that I have a mechanical valve. Since they arn't necessary why take the chance on a fungal infection. A good manicure and pedicure though would still perk you right up.
That's what I was afraid of and is why I hadn't gone in to have them done yet. I know the chance of the fungal infection is always there and I guess with an artificial valve, introducing any kind of infection in your body is not good. Oh well, guess I can live with ugly nails :rolleyes:

Yes, I did have to miss the re-union and it was so close too. What a bummer!!! When my husband looked at my calendar (which he rarely does), and saw the VR re-union written down for that weekend, he reminded me of a prior commitment that we had with family to go out of town that weekend that I had forgot to put on the calendar. I hear you guys had a great time and wish all the more that I could have been there!!! Where's the next one, do we know yet??

Our weekend was also special, as some of you might remember that when I was going through my OHS my Dad was on diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer, west nile and gillian barre and spent 4 mths. in the hospital in Denver. There were several times of not knowing if he would ever make it home again and then they were pretty sure if he did, he would never walk again. But guess what??? He's walking and living life to it's fullest!! We take an annual trip to Moab Utah every year to go Jeeping. While he was in the hospital, he said the one thing that he would love to do again, was to go to Moab. We made a promise to him that we would take him to Moab when he was strong enough to go. Our usual trip is over Memorial Day weekend and he was still too weak at that point, so we told him we would shoot for the fall if he was up to it then. So, that's where we were last weekend.....Moab, Utah making my dad's dream come true!!! He wasn't just a passenger either!!!! He drove his own Jeep the whole time with a big grin on his face!!! I don't know if you know what kind of Jeeping I'm talking about, it's not just dirt roads, it's really challenging stuff!! Some of the toughest Jeeping in the US. He was like a kid again!!! So, that's why I missed the reunion.....we had another reunion of our own kind, I guess you might say!!! It was great!!

Thank you guys for the info on the nails....I kinda got off track there! :rolleyes:
Infection & Fungus.

Infection & Fungus.

Hi Dee,

A few years back when I was getting my nails done I developed a nasty fungus that rotted my whole thumb nail off. :eek: :eek: :eek: It looked horrible and I felt embarrassed :eek: :eek: to show people my hand. I also had no idea how to grow back another nail. :confused: :confused:
I went to the doctor but all he could tell me to take a drug (forgot the name) which would be very hard on the liver. Not a good plan, so I didn't do that. In the mean time I still had the problem with trying to grow back my thumb nail.
One day when I was getting new tires at Discount Tires, I recognized the famous Dr. Weil. :cool: :cool: He was sitting there reading a magazine and waiting for his tires to be put on. I thought it's now or never, so I went up to him, smiled :) and introduced myself. Showed him my ugly nail and asked him what I should do to grow another nail. He told me to use: "Tea Tree Oil". I did, and IT WORKED.. I was so happy. :D :D Getting an appointment to see Dr. Weil would take 3 years because this man is busy, and you have to make an appointment years in advance. A small bottle of Tea Tree Oil was only $7.00 + tax at the healthfood store.
I never had my nails done again after that. You have to be very careful that they use sterilized tools/utensils and that's not always the case as you can see.
acrylic nails

acrylic nails

I love my acrylic nails. I've had them for 5 years. I haven't had heary surgery yet, so maybe I would feel differently if I was post-surgery. But I can tell you, my nails were something terrible. I'd pull a load of wet clothes out of the washer and bend them backwards, ripping nails at the skin line! Ouch and Ouch! Also it is very low humidity in Alaska, and with raising kids, housework, wet hands all the time, I would develop the ugliest splits in the skin near my nails, sometimes on every single finger, during the winter. Talk about painful - they were like papercuts. One day I decided to do acrylics for my 25th wedding anniversary to Napa Valley. You know, all those wine tastings and I wanted pretty nails holding wine glasses. I've only taken them off once in that 5 years, and that was to let my nails breathe, then I put them back on. The secret is clean instruments and hand filing, don't ever let them use those electric nail files. They go too deep.
Don't feel too badly Dee. I've had to forget about tattooing a rose on my scar and getting my belly button pierced! :D (Maybe I'd risk it if I had Rain's stomach!!!!)
Hi Pam,

It's great to have another Coloradoan in the VR family!! :D Well, next time you're up this way, give me a call and we'll have to do lunch or something. We also love Redstone and go up that way quite often!! We have a Jeep and go from Marble over Scofield Pass into Crested Butte every year. Have you been to see the Crystal Mill yet?? If not, that's a must see!! I just took my daughter's senior pictures up near Redstone while the colors were changing. Absolutely beautiful!! My avatar pic is in Redstone along the river.

I'll look into the lacquer nails and see if they would be any safer. I also found something in the drug store that are just tips....they only go on the very tip of your nail so they don't cover the whole nail, which I'm sure has to be better.

No, not snowing yet at my house, but can see it snowing up on the higher mountains around us, ask me again in about a half an hour and it probably will be. Right now it's drizzling rain, but expecting snow later today and tonight. I'm pulling out all of the heavy clothing for tonight, I have a high school football game that I have to sell Booster stuff at.....brrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :eek:

It's good to get to know you and look forward to getting to know you better and possibly meeting one of these days. We also have snowmobiles for our winter hobby. My husband and son ski and snowboard and the ski area is only 10 minutes from our house. So, if you're a skier or snowmobiler, come on up!!! :)
I have chronic atrial fibrillation so that might make a difference. I would love to have the nails like my sister and friends have but I was advised when I first was sick and after surgery also to always keep my nails free and clean of polish in case I had an emergency. Medics need to see the nails. I guess they can tell things from them. I don't even polish my nails anymore except for special occasions, one coat and take it off immediately when I get home.
I know that my niece had a tubular pregnancy which was an emergency situation and they had a hard time getting some of her acrylic nails off without hurting her. I guess they weren't equipped just right for it as most of the emergency rooms are, aren't they? Or does anyone know?

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