Marty..I'm about to join you for Medicare. I'm running a little low on my cuvettes....and will need to order some more I have any conflict..who will pay first. Medicare or United healthcare. I have filled out all my forms for Medicare..due June 10th...I would love to hear from QAS...before I order more....They are great to ship them the same day..but, I do not want any surprises..when the bill comes in.... Unitedhealth care has always paid 80% and QAS puts the other on my credit card. Help..I didn't think I would get this old sooooo soon. Should I call Unitedhealthcare or a Nursing Home.. Hey..I just became a NEW Grandmother of 2 beautiful Grandchildren from Russia I don't have the time to worry about the Small stuff..and by the way..How did they (Government know I was going to be age 65 Thought I had lied a lot. } bonnie