When first starting out, it's probably best to be tested every Week until she is stable, then go to 2 weeks, and finally go to 4 weeks, again assuming she is stable.
Stable would be defined as at least 2 and preferably 3 or 4 consecutive tests that are 'in range' for her condition.
Atrial Fibrilation in the elderly is probably the leading reason for being on Anti-Coagulation Therapy. A-Fib can cause Clots to form and a Low INR (below 2.0) is a DANGEROUS precursor to stroke or other clot related events.
As you probably know, many of us prefer to be on the High Side of our range for the above reasons. Bleeding risk does not rise rapidly until INR is OVER 5.0 so a slightly high reading is NOTHING to overreact to, i.e. for an INR above range but below 5.0, NEVER Hold A Dose, just reduce the weekly dose by the appropriate percentage (and buy Al Lodwick's DOSING GUIDE for $5).
'AL Capshaw'