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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Don't know how many of you noticed, but there are similiar thread links at the bottom of the page of threads. Is this a useful feature to any of you? I'm finding it to be more of pain then a help, I still have to search most of the time. Just wondering what your thoughts were.
I don't know enough yet to know if it's helpful. I checked it out, since I hadn't noticed that before. I chuckled when I saw "The Great American Turkey Debate" listed as similar to "My Grandmother." I didn't read the turkey debate, but it just struck a funny note with me.
Maybe I just need to give it more time, but sure seems like some odd ball similiarites.
I love this feature and have used it more than several times. Just this evening, I noticed an old post by Jim Chicago that dealt with platelets. This topic has been heavy on my mind since Albert had two internal bleeds recently. His doctor thought it might be platelet aggregation inhibitors and took Albert off aspirin and Omega 3 Oils. On the same thread. I found an interesting description of platelet aggregation tests and a very informative post by Al Lodwick.

We often cover the same subjects over and over as new people come to the board. It is very helpful to get other views on a topic. I hope this feature will continue.

cow's tail here. I will check it out. Thought the page was a bit longer and saw some stuff down there, but didn't look very hard. Just niggled the mind a bit - like 'something different on this page'.
Noticed it but haven't used it yet. Might be different for people facing surgery tho. I, myself, am through with surgery (quick - find some wood - knock very hard :D ) so I tend to concentrate on new threads.
I noticed the feature, but was a little thrown off by it, inthat it pulled up some old threads that I thought were no longer germaine. I guess what I mean by that is that threads frequently relate to each other during a block of time. Pulling one of three threads from a time period can create an illusion of concensus that may have been invalidated by the next thread. In a "true" search, all of the threads would likely have surfaced. An example would be the threads about Exanta, and the false hopes they raise every time they show up.

There is always something weird about someone finding an ancient thread and responding to it as if it had been posted yesterday. I think this might increase the chances of that. Of course, others may like that to happen.

I also noted that the associations are somewhat whimsical.

Best wishes,
tobagotwo said:
I noticed the feature, but was a little thrown off by it, inthat it pulled up some old threads that I thought were no longer germaine. I guess what I mean by that is that threads frequently relate to each other during a block of time. Pulling one of three threads from a time period can create an illusion of concensus that may have been invalidated by the next thread. In a "true" search, all of the threads would likely have surfaced. An example would be the threads about Exanta, and the false hopes they raise every time they show up.

There is always something weird about someone finding an ancient thread and responding to it as if it had been posted yesterday. I think this might increase the chances of that. Of course, others may like that to happen.

I also noted that the associations are somewhat whimsical.

Best wishes,
Basically these are exactly my thoughts too, but I guess we'll see what happens over the course of time. The board does it automatically (sorting that is) so we don't really have any say in whats displayed. I know I've seen some really off the wall association that I thought maybe the board had partied too much or something.

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