Hi, do you know where i can get some extra large, cotton wool pads to wrap my son in.
.No seriously,my son Curtis, does't get into many fights yet but occasionally sombody will pick on him.Times have changed. kids dont seem to tell you there going to kick your arse, they just do it.Only the other day some boy kicked him in the privates for nothing.So what if sombody hits him once, surley he will be okay. Or do i keep him in forever.He hasn't got any symptons of a heart defect. He has more energy than me,hes like any other child, wild, noisey and energetic.He gets alot of bruises on his legs too because he can be very clumbsy. My mum thinks im taking on to much information to soon.I can't make my mind up, i guess im just on auto pilot. Do you think I would be best off waiting for information, or is it better to know now.Anyway they have said the mitral valve needs sorting within the next 12 months,that could mean 6 or whatever.My husband has been back on to the consultant, to see if we can get anymore info out of him. Waiting for his reply. Paula x . ps. Notice i have stopped shouting