Question for Barry

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Hi, do you know where i can get some extra large, cotton wool pads to wrap my son in. :D .No seriously,my son Curtis, does't get into many fights yet but occasionally sombody will pick on him.Times have changed. kids dont seem to tell you there going to kick your arse, they just do it.Only the other day some boy kicked him in the privates for nothing.So what if sombody hits him once, surley he will be okay. Or do i keep him in forever.He hasn't got any symptons of a heart defect. He has more energy than me,hes like any other child, wild, noisey and energetic.He gets alot of bruises on his legs too because he can be very clumbsy. My mum thinks im taking on to much information to soon.I can't make my mind up, i guess im just on auto pilot. Do you think I would be best off waiting for information, or is it better to know now.Anyway they have said the mitral valve needs sorting within the next 12 months,that could mean 6 or whatever.My husband has been back on to the consultant, to see if we can get anymore info out of him. Waiting for his reply. Paula x . ps. Notice i have stopped shouting :eek:
Kids will be kids and will face kids problems. He'll be fine. He's not the first one to grow up on Coumadin if it becomes reality. Barry meant what he said more as a joke then anything. I do wish he'd be careful with his responses!
Ross said:
...Barry meant what he said more as a joke then anything. I do wish he'd be careful with his responses!

Actually, Ross, I was serious - although perhaps I may have stated it in a way that is causing unnecessary anxiety.

I live in a fairly red-neckish part of the country, the sort of place where folks like to get into bar fights for recreation on Friday night. My cardiologist warned me that I really really need to stay out of fights now that I'm on Coumadin. I'd never been a fighter, anyway, but I was glad he gave me a heads-up.

Seems to me that a kid on Coumadin would really really need to stay out of fights, too. And that just as going into a bar around here on a Friday night means that one has to be on guard against that eventuality, being a 10 year-old on a school playground raises the same hazard.

Kids will inevitably get in a fight or three, and get generally bounced around a bit, in the course of growing up. But I'd think that with a kid on Coumadin that it'd be best to minimize it - although not to the extent that would over-protect the kid and rob him of his childhood. But that if the kid is given to getting into fights, this would be a good time for him to start learning other ways of dealing with conflict.

This is all pretty hypothetical for me. I'm justs running with my cardiologist's advice to me as an adult to stay out of fights. It would be helpful if anyone on these forums who's raising a child who's on Coumadin would weigh in on this discussion.


I guess you are right, if you fight you get knocked about.Its just hard to know how protective to be. As every mother knows your children are your world.Any way we are going to the lakes tomorrow, for a easter break. At least it will give my brain a rest for a week. I do appreciate your opinion,we may just have to figure this one out for ourselfs. paulax


I totally agree with Ross - I'm not one to argue with anyones opinions normally - its a free world - but I really had to step in here as a parent, cos I do think Barry, you need to think carefully before you answer a parent who is beginning a journey like this onto warfarin and replacement valves. Its a scary thing! I am completely making assumptions, and sorry if I'm wrong, but I get the impression you don't have children because if you do, you would understand that although yes, our job is to protect our children from harm and that is always fore-front in any parents mind, but it is also our job to give them as full and happy a life as they can possibly have - and as Paula says - cotton wool wrapped round them 24/7 is not possible, so comments about the dangers of fighting, in the way you wrote it (which Paula cannot possibly prevent in a school environment!) are more than slightly inappropriate - especially at this stage of her sons treatment. I have had a daughter on warfarin for 4 years and have had our share of trips to hospitals but have also discovered it is possible to lead a full and normalish life on warfarin too, if you are not silly about it - as most of the people on this site helped me to come and realise too!!

So very, very sorry if I offended anyone but as a parent of a child on this drug, some responses on this subject anger me somewhat and reading them, some parents would, un-necessarily, be inclined to lock their child away in bubble wrap until they hit 21! I will calm down now. :)

Paula - will pm you soon and don't worry! Curtis will be fine!!!

Emma, right you are: I have no kids. And glad you joined in as the parent of a child on Coumadin. You're a far better source of info for M894 than I could ever be, and after the smoke clears a bit perhaps you may have some helpful hints for M894.

Do apologize if I caused anyone un-necessary worries.
Barry Thankyou and no hard feelings at all!
(I have been speaking to Paula off the boards for a few days too.)

I don't think its a matter of who is better to give advice - i think every person here is more than qualified to do so. I think it may just be the way in which you give it.

EmmaCornish said:
...I think it may just be the way in which you give it...

I do admit that I commonly - and inadvertently - demonstrate a degree of tact and diplomacy that makes Atilla the Hun look like a sensitive guy. I guess I won't be hired by the State Department anytime soon: We'd probably be in a state of war with Lichtenstein by the end of the week!
Barry said:
I do admit that I commonly - and inadvertently - demonstrate a degree of tact and diplomacy that makes Atilla the Hun look like a sensitive guy. I guess I won't be hired by the State Department anytime soon: We'd probably be in a state of war with Lichtenstein by the end of the week!

Ok Barry.
All is forgiven (because I did take offense at the way you asked about the foreigners).
Let's all kiss and make up. There's too much junk going on in the world without adding more to it. :)
:) Barry you'll be glad to hear, im going away for a week. so i wont be able to get you into any disscutions. There must be some truth in what you say. Ive not been though surgery myself but i would gladly take my sons place if i could. :)
Well I'm a parent and I can tell you that now matter how much of a protective shield you put around a kid, the kid is a kid and will escape it. He will make mistakes, he will get hurt, he will learn, he will grow and he will be just fine. Not even a parent can protect 24/7/365 no matter how bad they try.

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