Sean L
I had my surgery to replace the aortic valve about 15 days ago. Last night I woke up with a throbbing pain in my chest that I had never felt to that degree. It was pulsating with my hearbeat and was very uncomfortable although not unbearable. It was made worse by any activity. My wife was worried and called the ambulance in the middle of the night. They monitored me in the hospital, did a CT scan and EKG and found nothing wrong and sent me home. They concluded it was probably regular pain from scar tissue. I felt stupid for having the ambulance come.
Is it normal to feel pain in the heart like that two weeks after surgery? I guess I had been fortunate so far because I have not had much pain and only had to take pain medication for two days after the operation. However, last night was very frightening.
Sean L
Is it normal to feel pain in the heart like that two weeks after surgery? I guess I had been fortunate so far because I have not had much pain and only had to take pain medication for two days after the operation. However, last night was very frightening.
Sean L