Quest Diagnostics- Can we have $30?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2008
Palm Beach County Florida
I recently went for my PT/INR and Dear Wife had a bloodwork order also. So we both went the same day.

When we were asked for our info, the lady at the window said it has been determined your bill is $30. How would you like to pay it?

A new medical provider game- Ask patients for 3-20 times what their portion of the bill is up front.

Of course we didn't pay, and BTW, the woman asked the same amount from both DW and I. PT/INR is charged to my insurance company at the amount of $31 dollars approximately. After discounts, and my 80/20 plan, my portion of the bill is under 75 cents which Quest doesn't even send me a bill for.

DW was having much more extensive bloodworK done but at most she owes $7-9. Anyone else experience the same recently?

No, haven't experienced this, but something to think about when I go to Quest Diagnostics for my bloodwork next week. Hmmm.
I haven't experienced it with them, but recently had a go with my oxygen provider. They were having me pay my co payment upon delivery effective Jan 1st. 16 bottles were going to cost me $38.40. Well when I had allowed them to bill me, those same 16 bottles cost me $9.34. I got on the phone and demanded some answers as to why the huge discrepancy. I've now been taken off of this automatic pay on delivery thing and will pay after my insurance carrier pays the claim. It's a scam.
absolutely! My son's doctors office asked for a 'deposite" to cover the difference between the amount they would get back from insurance, and the amout they would bill us. If there was any money left over, it would go onto account to use the next time we took him to the doctor. This is really crappy behavior. They also charged us $15 for the swine flue shot, when it was supposed to be free. When I mentioned this, the office managed said I could take him someplace else. Of course, there was noone else because this was at the first of the flue shots.

He now has another doctor.

The hospital where I used to get my INR taken, asked me for the entire $73.13 before they would do my INR. Then they screwed up my bill, AND, instead of coding the procedure as a lab they codded it as a specialist visit, so I was charged $45.

I now have my own INR machine.

This is really bad behavior and some of the things that really pisses patients off to no end. And its all our problem.