Quesion About Reunion Locations

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Phyllis Jean

HI! I was just wondering who determines where the reunions are held. I live in Lexington, KY. Is one going to be held in 2005 any where near KY? Also, Is there a fee for attending? What is the agenda of the reunions? How many days do they last? What about meals and lodging? I have never seen this discussed so I am just curious. It would be neat to meet people from this area that have had a valve replacement. I would appreciate any information you can give me. Thanks a lot. Phyllis Jean :)
The reunion in 2005 is going to take place in Las Vegas. Those of us in the midwest and on the east coast tried to get it in New Orleans but.......
There is a forum called Reunions that will have a lot of information in it.
We recently had a mini reunion in Chicago and are looking to have another sometime in April or May. Look for info later this spring. I may also host one here in Ohio this summer - what we are calling a pool-pool party to take advantage of our swimming pool and pool table. Again, keep an eye out because both of those are within reach for you.
Las Vegas I am sure will be fun and there should be some good airfares available with enough advance notice. I am also sure there will be some type of hotel package put together as well.
I am not sure whether there are any additional fees per se. The last reunion had t-shirts available at a fee and there may be some other type of related costs. I am sure all the info will be forthcoming.
Hope to see you somewhere soon.
Smiles, :)
Hank determines where the reunion will be held, based on input from lots of people. There is no specific fee for attending, although there are voluntary contributions to cover some of the special costs. The reunion lasts from Thursday through Sunday morning, but the agenda is pretty much open. The main agenda item is the Friday evening banquet, and this year money for that had to be sent in ahead of time.
For a German, Alles in Ordnung person like me, the openness of the agenda can be a little frustrating, but we soon learn to go with the flow. There are various activities planned, some educational, all fun, but about the only thing done strictly on schedule is meal time.
The main activity is meeting other VRcom members, which is a fulltime activity in itself, and most enjoyable. I greatly regret missing the scar contest this past year, and we still haven't had the arm wrestling contest.
Hi, Phyllis Jean,
I'm a longtime member who attended her first reunion this year. It is so much fun, and the people you meet from the forum will seem like life long friends by the end of the weekend. It's definitely worth attending. I do, however, come to Lexington once a month for my son's fiddle lesson. If you'd like to meet for coffee sometime when we're there, just pm me and let me know.
Hi Phyllis Jean -

My husband and I went to just the Friday night banquet in Golden this year and I really enjoyed meeting the other members; everyone was pleasant and friendly. And the reunion t-shirt is very nice; I think Dave designed it. I don't know how the rest of the reunion was organized, but with attention to a lot of detail I think because Rain and Dave evidently worked very hard on coordinating it. And the location and the facility were absolutely beautiful! My husband and I went particularly to meet Hank, however, to personally express to him how much we appreciate that he established this site. Words didn't even seem adequate but it was great to meet him and his family personally!
I am from Jeffersonville ,In that is across the river from Lou. I too have been to two reunion, Chicago & Golden me and my husband had a great time. Everyone welcomes you with open arms like one big happy family. I would be happy to meet you if you are in Louisville anytime. I don't get to Lexington much. Sherry & I have talked about getting together since Golden but it just hasn't happened yet. We could have a lunch and invite members from soutern In and Ky. Like their mini ones in Chicago. Is there any interest?
Let me know? There is know better medicine than support from people that have had the same experience. Look forward to hearing from anyone.