Michelle, I know exactly where you are coming from. I have always had pac's/pvc's my whole life as well, but they really ramped up after this last surgery. All my Dr's were constantly telling me that they were benign, learn to live with them, etc. I told them all that if they had to spend one day in my body, they would be beating down the door to get them under control.
I finally convinced them to do something about them, and I tried almost every class of drug to no avail (or the side effects were too bad). Eventually, my Dr.s at the Mayo clinic agreed to do an ablation to try and stop them. The first one didn't work, so we went back for one more time. It took four months for me to see the results, but it did substantially decrease them. Just to be clear though, I was having around 25,000 of them on an average day.
As for what I found that worked on my own, not much! Laying on my left side definitely made them worse. Xanax would almost always stop them for a while, so on nights when I just couldn't take them anymore, I would take a xanax. Good luck on getting help with these. They may not be life threatening, but they are life altering.