Puppy Harvey is here (& photos i hope?!)

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
We got our new puppy today (finally named Harvey) and he's just so so sweet! He's light brown with black and white patches and paws and the cutest little face that somehow looks like a German shepard pup. Hes cross shithzu and lhaso apso but looks nothing like either of those breeds... lol!
He's been prancing around and playing with us and his toys and is already loved to bits by all of us!
He knows to pee and poop on his paper which is excellent and hasnt cried at all yet for his mum and brothers and sisters... have to see how he gets on tonight!

I'm going to now try to attach his photo - good luck me!!

Love Emma
Donna - have managed to email you a couple though so you can see him and see if he looks anything like saltydog as a puppy?

Love Emma
The size limit use to be 400 x 300. I guess it's increased with the new server?
Here he is, Sir Harvey, and Chloe as well

Here he is, Sir Harvey, and Chloe as well




Isnt he adorable?He looks like a german sheperd. And Chloe looks like she is ready for modeling..beautiful!. :)
Thankyou Yaps!!!
Harvey slept well last night, only had a little cry and during the night but was ok really. And he's doing well today, playing and pouncing on our feet!

The 2 photos of Chloe are from Florida - Minnie one's at Animal kingdom and the swim suit shot from Miss UK is at wet n' wild.

Thanks again!!
Love Emma
He is so cute. I love puppies and especially puppy breath. Isn't that strange! The only problem is they have to grow up.
He is really cute, Chloe looks like she had a great time, where hoping to get there after Curt's had his operation and recovered. She look so sweet :)
Our dogs are so funny. When I say "Daddy's Home" they go running to the door barking. It doesn't matter if they hear him or not. My boys think this is the funnyest thing ever. They are always trying to get my to do it to trick the dogs. The dogs always fall for it. The funnyest part is that I can do it two or three times in a row and they fall for it everytime. I guess they just want to make sure they don't miss him so they do it everytime. OH aren't dogs fun!! :D

Love your new puppy! And Chloe's a looker!!!

PamO said:
What a little bubbalah!!!!

I hope to have pictures to post of our new Shiba puppy soon! We've got Sake almost "trained" to run around the house looking for "something" when we say "WHERE'S BABY BROTHER?" Although this is also the dog who goes nuts when you say "where's the crows?"



We had a cat and dog who went berserk when we said, "Cows!" We'd take Ramses (the cat) and Sandy (the dog) with us in the car and let them look out the window. Ramses learned to fetch & retrieve and to obey commands when we took him for walks, on or off a leash. He also loved to camp. Sandy never learned to fetch or retrieve or obey commands of any kind.
Thankyou everyone! Would also like to, for the record, point out the hairy, scary looking bloke in the first photo, holding Harvey is my husband Jason - NOT me as has been suggested by someone else today - LOL

Congratulations on your new family member! Sir Harvey is beautiful. Yes, he does look like a little german shephard.


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