I'm new to this site but have been reading it for about an hour trying to find out information. My son is 10 years old and needs to have a pulmonary valve. He was set for surgery on July 7, 2005 but on July 1, 2005 our insurance denied having the surgery on the hospital where his cardiologist doctors. Now, we have been on a roller coaster because we are now going through UC Davis which have a different opinion of what type of valve to use or if it should be deferred for 6 months to a year while waiting for a Contegra Valve which is now in clinical trials at UCSF. We were originally having a cow valve put in with no mention of this new valve. This will be his fourth surgery. He has had two closed hearts and one open heart. He was born with pulmonary atresia and VSD. Is there anyone out there who has the Contregra Valve?? Our understanding is if our son has the cow valve put in it could last from 7 to 15 years but with this new valve it could possibly last a lifetime. Any information would be so helpful for us. Thanks