Pulmonary Hypertension

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
Getting ready to go for my surgery and all I can think of is Pulmonaary Hypertension. Mine is 55 on echos and on Angiogram. How is repairing my Mitral Valve help my Pulmonary Hypertension. I have read PH is a very serious condition. I am getting very nervous. My Cardio does not seem to be around now and I dont know what to do. So please tell me if my PH gets worse or better after MV surgery
Secondary pulmonary hypertension is fairly common with valve issues, and is mostly caused by the backup in the flow of blood out of the heart. It piles up in the blood vessels of the lungs, waiting for the heart's faulty floodgates to hold together well enough to get it through and out the other side.

When you fix or replace the valves, the pulmonary hypertension often dissipates to a normal pulmonary pressure level, and if not, it reduces substantially at worst.

This isn't the thing to fixate on. Even if it remains to some extent as primary pulmonary hypertension after the surgery, it's a treatable condition.

Be well,
Your pulmonary hypertension should be resolved when you have your surgery, so I wouldn't worry about this if I were you.

I have PH & my levels were 88mm :eek: on my last Echo about 4 weeks ago. I have the PH & will continue to have it because my mech mitral valve needs to be fixed but the doctors do not want to do the surgery unless it comes down to an emergency. You see, I've already had 3 OHS & they think that I probably wouldn't survive a 4th although in my heart of hearts, I think they're wrong & perhaps I would, :) but.......

If your PH should linger after your OHS which is very unlikely, there are medications to treat it so for now, don't sweat it! I was just put on Revatio to address my PH & I have to see my cardio in another 2 or 3 weeks to see how my pressures are.

Take care & I echo what Tobagotwo said, "don't fixate" on that.
Hi, if your valve, and the dysfunction of the rest of the heart as a result, is the cause of the pulmonary hypertension then you may well find your pulmonary hypertension will improve. I am now more than 5 1/2 years post-op mitral valve replacement. My pulmonary pressures were hanging up around the 45-50 range, sometimes a bit lower but not much. I was having a time with chf as well. Last month my echo showed rvsp of only about 30 which I consider high normal. My chf is much improved and my blood pressure is nice and low. I was just so pleased with the report. I am on a lot of medications but the end result has been worth it. I am less short of breath, I have more energy and my ankles (actually just my left since I have an unrelated problem with the right) are much less swollen. So, if you don't see results right away it doesn't necessarily mean it won't improve over time. I don't know if mine will stay down but I'm enjoying a nice time of respite for my lungs.
Hi, if your valve, and the dysfunction of the rest of the heart as a result, is the cause of the pulmonary hypertension then you may well find your pulmonary hypertension will improve. I am now more than 5 1/2 years post-op mitral valve replacement. My pulmonary pressures were hanging up around the 45-50 range, sometimes a bit lower but not much. I was having a time with chf as well. Last month my echo showed rvsp of only about 30 which I consider high normal. My chf is much improved and my blood pressure is nice and low. I was just so pleased with the report. I am on a lot of medications but the end result has been worth it. I am less short of breath, I have more energy and my ankles (actually just my left since I have an unrelated problem with the right) are much less swollen. So, if you don't see results right away it doesn't necessarily mean it won't improve over time. I don't know if mine will stay down but I'm enjoying a nice time of respite for my lungs.

Like Betty, my last echo report showed a reduction in my pulmonary pressures, and I feel much better.
As the other posters have said, you should see improvement after your valve issues are resolved.
Good luck!:)
I could only dream of pressures in the 40-50 range. When I had my repair 3 years ago I was in the 70s it went down into the 60s. Before my replacement my ph matched my blood pressure 110-120. Dead man walking right? The doctors were amazed that I wasn't showing alot of signs. After the replacement the estimates now are in the 60 to 70 range. The pressure should drop and they can treat it with medication after the repair/replacement.