
  • Thread starter Patricia Choate
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Patricia Choate

Hi Everyone, I wrote a few weeks ago about all the problems I have had getting my coumadin dosage adjusted and complaining about all the blood tests. I got such good advice from you all that I thought I should post an update. I convinced my Cardiologist to prescribe a Protime monitor...(with much help from the PA) and have already received the machine and done the in-home (telephone) certification for its use. Both home tests have shown my INR to be 3.0 which is right in target range. Will go to the lab later this week with my Protime and be certified by the Cardiologist. Then the only hurdle left will be getting Federal BC to pay at least some of the machine's cost.
The advice that I would like to pass on would be to not give up on getting a home test machine. It took me almost two years to convince my doctor and get a prescription.
Will post again after I compare my home results with the labs. Thanks again to everyone for getting me motivated. So good. Patricia
Thanks. I haven't given up, but it sure doesn't look like I'm getting anything with my current group of Doctors. I think they're tired of spending money on my sorry tail. :(
Thanks for the post, Patricia

Thanks for the post, Patricia

You inspired me - I actually printed out the phone numbers for all the home testing units; of course, didn't have time to make the calls today, but at least I'm working on it!:D

I think my insurer will probably pay for it; but I'd decided I'd foot the bill myself if necessary. Since it's medical I can use money from my 401k if I have to.

Into the breach . . . ta-da :D :D :D Who else but us coumadin users (we need to think up a good name for us - along the lines of pumpheads) would be so tickled to slice our fingers and think it's an improvement?

I'll start - and it's not so good - "Bleeding hearts" smacks too much of the 70's, methinks.
Red tape, but feels so good

Red tape, but feels so good

Yes its a hassel to get the job done, and I'm amazed that health insurers get anything done but--- my machine came last week and its really nice to know that it's there nite and day, no matter how high the snow piles up on our county roads. No more grumpy nurses or waiting in waiting rooms with loads of SICK people-how inconsiderate. Ross - I thought they cut off your sorry tail during your last surgery. Chris


Did you get a Protime. You will love it..Hints..When you insert the takes a full minute to warm..KEEP your finger under hot water for 50 sec...then dry good..When it say incise finger. do it down low. and hard on outside of finger. not in middle. Tap the first drop on paper and then the blood should flow to big drop. and another one will fill cup.. Press start and remove quickly...Testing takes forever or it seems:p :p :p then I glance over to see that good range.:D :D When I say incise down low..have your hand down below your waist. Hope not too :confused: :confused: bonnie


When I incise my finger I never feel a THING...:D :D NO pain at all.. No brusing either..Just a tiny bit of bleeding for about 1 minute after. Cold water takes that away. bonnie
I took my Protime monitor to the Cardiologist's office on Friday. Sat down with the PA and we talked for awhile about the machine, INR, and even the possibility of starting a Coumadin lab in McAllen. Then they asked me to do a test. My INR was 2.9 which is in range so there is no change in my dosage. Then I got the best news of all......will not need to go back to the lab for three months!!!! I will test myself at home and call in my results to the doctor once a month. When I go back to the lab, I will take the Protime and do a test and they will do the venous draw to compare the results.
So happy..... no sore and bruised arms for three months.
:D :D Patricia
I am so amazed that any good cardiologist up on his stuff would not recommend getting a home testing machine!
Three yrs ago when I had my surgery, the nurse told me about them and recommended that I get one. I had it within 6 mos. My cardiologist was totally ready to say it was medically necessary.
And if he hadn't, my surgeon would have given me the green light.
They want us to be pro active and after 1 year my cardiologist let me dose myself as well.

So happy..... no sore and bruised arms for three months.


May I suggest that when you go back to the lab, you request that they use a BUTTERFLY Needle which is very tiny. If they do not (or will not) use a Butterfly, then ask them to use the smallest needle that is acceptable for the test. Some labs / doc's don't like to use Butterfly's because they are *more expensive*.

I've had Butterflys in my hands and all over my forearms with little or no discomfort.

If anyone knows of any place that is interested in setting up a Coumadin Monitoring Lab, I would appreciate you giving them my website. I have set up several and can get them started on the right path.

Thanks, Al Lodwick