Well-known member
All...Im sorry to say that Im to a point where Im rethinking if need to continue to contribute to this forum. For those who have heart/valve related issues this place can be of great value, I know it was for me. But Im put off by some of the hypocritical posts I see and its just got me rethinking things. I saw an innocent enough non-valve related post by Bonzo get all kinds of less than kind responses and folks questioning if that post belonged in this forum. Yet some of those same people post responses to other non-valve related posts ("Darn Kids", "Hole in the Clouds" as examples) and those are just fine and dandy as long as they don't offend anyone. Maybe Im offended by these two posts. Im using these purely as examples, they do NOT reflect my actual opinion which is that I think ALL posts add value regardless of topic. The diversity of the folks who belong to this forum is what makes it so interesting. Maybe if I put something in those posts complaining will they be closed also ? The bottom line is if your going to put rules in place regarding forum content then it needs to be applied consistently. And if your going to throw stones regarding what gets posted, you should look at your own responses to make sure they are truely forum related.
Best of luck to you all, Im heading back under my proverbial rock. Please feel free to delete this thread if you deem it necessary but I would hope you would leave it in place at least long enough for all of your "regulars" to read.
Best of luck to you all, Im heading back under my proverbial rock. Please feel free to delete this thread if you deem it necessary but I would hope you would leave it in place at least long enough for all of your "regulars" to read.