Prescription Drugs

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
Awhile back someone posted a web-site for ordering prescription drugs from Canada.
I am trying to get this info for a friend of mine who has an elderly relative with no prescription coverage.
Rich, if Rob's thing doesn't work out, perhaps, depending on this persons income, you can try to get the prescriptions for free from the pharmaceutical Companies. There are many various programs from different companies and you can get the applications from the link below:

Might be worth checking into. ;)
Rich, I don't know which state your friend's relative lives in, etc., but here in Illinois there is a program called the "Circuit Breaker" Program that allows low income senior citizens up to $2,500 (I think that's the amount) of coverage for prescriptions. They pay a really low co-pay (about $2) per fill until the coverage is consumed. We have my mother and my motherin-law signed up, and they love it.

It would be worth a check with your state's offices to see if there is a cimilar program where your friend lives.
Thanks much you guys,
That was even more than I had hoped for and I have forwarded all that info to my friend.:)
Hey Rich ..a sideline

Hey Rich ..a sideline

I was reading your post and it reinforced a feeling of relief I've had here this week Rich ...while I have been less than tolerant in the past about the UK National Health Service ..the waiting lists which are long took me two yrs from start to finish to get my op ...and the lack of choice of Drs choice op cost me nothing and this week I got £100 of prescriptions for the cost of £6.20 ....maybe over here in the UK we should count our blessings more often . Best of luck to your friend ...
Hi Scottie,
Well I don't know what the exchange rate is but that does sound very reasonable.
Prescription drug prices on this side of the pond are a major issue these days.
It's not so much the drug makers but rather the drug stores who are inflating the prices to ridiculous levels.
A local news station here in the Detroit area did an investigation and found some stores raising there prices as much as 5,000% over what they pay the pharmaceutical companies!!
Thanks for that link Bunny_Rabbit. I'm collecting all I can and that's one I didn't have. Everything I've looked up so far, is at least 50% less then what I pay now. Are we being ripped? You betcha!
Janie in SAT's message

Janie in SAT's message

Hi Rich,

Janie is having trouble posting and asked if I would forward this for you. I am not sure if the link will copy. If not just copy and paste it into the address.


(Message from Janie)

I can't seem to post these days....Dunno what's wrong, but I wanted to pass along to you a Canada Drug Company that really works!


I've used them and they are much cheaper than here. For instance....30 days of Pravachol here is about $125 and there you get a 100 days for $125....Mucho grande difference!!

Janie, if you can read this, I'm working on a solution to the problem. I haven't as of yet, got the full answer. If anyone else connects with AOL and is having a problem posting here, please send me a PM. I'm trying to get to the bottom of this. :)
Thank you all again,
Bunny thank you and thanks Rob,if you talk to Janie give her my thanks also.
Hi all:
My friend has been using for about a year now. They do not charge any additional fees, such as physician's review fee or dispensing fee, as other Canadian pharmacies do. She says the deliveries have been timely and the customer service is excellent. They do have a toll free number, 1-877-542-3330.
drugs from Canada

drugs from Canada

Here is another source for purchasing prescription drugs in Canada. The site connects to a large on line operation run by several pharmacists set up in a rural community in Manitoba. I have heard good things about them but have not used the site myself as I can purchase Coumadin at lower prices through a pharmacy in a large discount grocery chain here.
Looks like a storm is brewing over Canadian Pharmacies servicing people in the US. I'm not positive, but I have heard that this practice is not legal. The US has not been enforcing this, but according to an article in our paper the government is going to be cracking down on this practice. Also, I heard on the Financial News Netword that GlaxoSmithKline has announced that they will no longer provide their drugs to Canadian companies that ship to the United States.