Thanks for your prayers. The baby's name is Lauren. Ross, she was due the second week of April, so she was a little early but not terribly. She weighs 6lbs. 4ozs., so she is a decent size. This was totally unexpected. Her mom (Emily) was holding her after she was born and she started making a gurgling sound. At first Emily and Doug (her dad) thought she was crying but soon to find out she was having trouble breathing and then she stopped breathing. The next thing to happen was that one of her lungs collasped. My daughter spoke with Emily late last night. Emily was just telling her what had happened but didn't put a name to what the doctors were thinking was going on. I got on the web and looked up respiratory probems in newborns and came up with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (used to be known as Hyaline Membrane Disease). Most of Lauren's symtoms that Emily described sounds like this, but I'm just playing "doctor" at this point trying to figure it out. It rarely happens in babies at this stage of gestation (mostly just to premies). Like I said, this was a normal pregnancy so none of this was expected and the docs weren't concerned that she went into labor a little early. Thanks again for your prayers. I'll keep everyone updated. LINDA