Prayers please for newborn baby

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
I live in Denver NC
I know this isn't a heart related item, but our daughter's best friend just delivered her first baby (a little girl) and she is having respiratory problems. She stopped breathing shortly after birth and had to be resussitated. One of her lungs had collasped. She is in the NICU on a ventilator. The doctors say it is "touch and go". I'm just asking everyone to pray for this little one and her parents. Thank you so much. LINDA
Thoughts and Prayers

Thoughts and Prayers

Mine are on their way, Twinmaker.

You got it.............

You got it.............

do you know a name yet! I always feel better putting a name with my prayers........... Many hugs and please keep us posted. Hugs. J.
You Have Mine....

You Have Mine....

Sending up all my best prayers for this little girl....Let's get those lungs a pumpin'!!!! Harrybaby:D :) :)
Thanks for your prayers. The baby's name is Lauren. Ross, she was due the second week of April, so she was a little early but not terribly. She weighs 6lbs. 4ozs., so she is a decent size. This was totally unexpected. Her mom (Emily) was holding her after she was born and she started making a gurgling sound. At first Emily and Doug (her dad) thought she was crying but soon to find out she was having trouble breathing and then she stopped breathing. The next thing to happen was that one of her lungs collasped. My daughter spoke with Emily late last night. Emily was just telling her what had happened but didn't put a name to what the doctors were thinking was going on. I got on the web and looked up respiratory probems in newborns and came up with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (used to be known as Hyaline Membrane Disease). Most of Lauren's symtoms that Emily described sounds like this, but I'm just playing "doctor" at this point trying to figure it out. It rarely happens in babies at this stage of gestation (mostly just to premies). Like I said, this was a normal pregnancy so none of this was expected and the docs weren't concerned that she went into labor a little early. Thanks again for your prayers. I'll keep everyone updated. LINDA
My prayers are with Lauren and her family. My grandson was also a full term baby and had breathing problems shortly after birth. He was finally diagnosed with Acid Reflux and asthma. But, his lungs did not collapse. I am sending up lots of prayers now.
Update on Lauren

Update on Lauren

Lauren is still on the ventilator in the NICU. The docs are having trouble removing air from her chest that escaped when her lung collasped. She's a real fighter though. Unlike premmies, she's trying to pull at the ventilator tube. They have reduced her sedation. The docs say that if everything works out, she'll be in the hospital for about three weeks. Please continue to pray. Her mom and dad and grandparents are keeping a vigil and getting very little sleep and my daughter said that Emily (Lauren's mom) is very tired but very hopeful. Thanks everybody! LINDA
Update on Lauren

Update on Lauren

Lauren was taken off the ventilator today, and she is under an oxygen hood. Her mom, Emily was able to nurse her for the first time today. Progress is being made, but she is still in the NICU. I appreciate all your prayers. Emily found out today that her dad has prostate cancer and will need surgery, so she has a full plate. Please continue to keep this family in your prayers. Thanks, LINDA
Lauren is home from the hospital! They have her hooked up to a machine that sounds an alarm if her breathing stops, but we are thankful that she was well enough to be released. Thanks for all your prayers! LINDA
Good News

Good News

That she is home now. You had mentioned 3 weeks in the hospital at first. Hope she continues to get stronger and stronger each day.
WOW - it sounds like the prayers worked. Continuing to pray that all will go smoothly from here out.