I had asked for prayers when our grandson Tommy was born on Feb. 12th. He had breathing problems and had to come home on heart,breathing monitor. They then thought he had asthma and gerds and he has been on liquid zantac and breathing treatments and steroids. Last night my daughter-in-law took him to local hospital because he was wheezing so badly, the air quality here has been in the Red the last few days and we thought that was probably causing him problems. They called ambulance and sent him to Scottish Rite. His oxygen was at 85% and he was blue around the mouth. The doctors there think he has laryngomalacia. His airway flap is not properly formed. They are dropping the light down his throat this morning. I had to come to work at least for part of the day because eeryone is out in my department today. Please pray for Tommy today. What I could find on the internet about this said treatment depended on severity. I hope the test can tell the doctors how severe it is. He has always loved looking at the ceiling fans and we thought he was arching his neck to get a better look when he did that, at Scottish Rite they said that was a symptom of laryngomalacia. Thay do that to breathe better. DIL mother is with her. My son had to go into work to open up. Their 14 year old son is at home with the 3 year old until me or someone can get there. I know this is confusing and I am rambling. I am just so worried right now and don't want to be at work.