Prayers for my grandson again

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2003
I had asked for prayers when our grandson Tommy was born on Feb. 12th. He had breathing problems and had to come home on heart,breathing monitor. They then thought he had asthma and gerds and he has been on liquid zantac and breathing treatments and steroids. Last night my daughter-in-law took him to local hospital because he was wheezing so badly, the air quality here has been in the Red the last few days and we thought that was probably causing him problems. They called ambulance and sent him to Scottish Rite. His oxygen was at 85% and he was blue around the mouth. The doctors there think he has laryngomalacia. His airway flap is not properly formed. They are dropping the light down his throat this morning. I had to come to work at least for part of the day because eeryone is out in my department today. Please pray for Tommy today. What I could find on the internet about this said treatment depended on severity. I hope the test can tell the doctors how severe it is. He has always loved looking at the ceiling fans and we thought he was arching his neck to get a better look when he did that, at Scottish Rite they said that was a symptom of laryngomalacia. Thay do that to breathe better. DIL mother is with her. My son had to go into work to open up. Their 14 year old son is at home with the 3 year old until me or someone can get there. I know this is confusing and I am rambling. I am just so worried right now and don't want to be at work.
Oh how worrying for you! I know only too well what it is to worry about a child with a medical condition.
I'm thinking of Tommy and praying the procedure today shows his condition is not severe and can be easily treated!

Love and hugs being sent over to him and you
Emma and Chloe
Terry, Your grandson will definately have my prayers.

My 21 year-old son was dx'd with laryngiomalicia when he was about 1 mo. old. I was holding him and he stopped breathing and started to turn blue. I jostled him a little bit and he let out a cry and started breathing again. Fortunately, that was our only incident. This was 21 years ago, so I don't remember a lot. Only that they didn't give me much of any instructions on how to handle it, except to watch him (duh!) and that he would grow out of it. I spent several worried months, but as I said, had no other incident. I don't believe his SAT's were affected too much. My guess is that 21 years later they will have much more specific information for you family.
Absolutely, Terry. My little 5 y/o grandson was diagnosed several weeks ago with asthma. His 02 sat was around 90 and he was short of breath but not blue. I hope things go well for him and thanks for letting us help.
DIL just called and they were waiting on the lung specialist to do the light down the throat and they were just taking him down. They are also going to do heart tests,upper GI and Sleep Apnea test. Please keep praying. I will probably not get to leave work until this afternnoon. But, DIL is real good about calling with any news.
I'm sorry to hear your grandson is having some troubles but I'm sure he will be just just have to remember to keep thinking positive and your family will be in my prayers...


I'm praying that your Grandson is better..Please keep us posted..Bonnie

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