Prayers for Grandma

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Hi everyone.

My mom had a really scary experience last night and I am now asking for prayers for my grandma. My grandma is 83 and lives alone. My aunts and uncle who live in the same town as my grandma have a schedule of who stops over when to check on her etc. Well my parents were in town yesturday so they stopped by to check on her. ( My parents live about 20 miles or so from my Grandma). My mom went in the house and she said she could tell the minute she walked in that she had wet the bed. So she went to her bedroom and she wasnt' there. So my mom called her and finally found her in her chair. She was a really mess and was really confused and didn't know what to do. So my mom got her cleaned up and sent her to the bathroom while she(my mom) got the bed changed. She said after she finished she was helping my grandma out to the family room to sit and halfway there my grandma had to sit down. She said she was really tired and then started to act strange. Mom said her head started to flop and her arms stiffened and then when limp and then her head fell forward. My mom was so scared. She got my dad and he helped get my grandma to her chair and they called 911. At the hospital, the drs said she had a severe urinary tract infection and a heart murmur. They kept her over night to monitor her. She is now in ICU and has a nitro drip. They are still running tests but said that it was a good thing that my mom called 911 cause they are finding some other things with her heart that they need to take care of. I guess a while back she had a pain in her arm and they said that was from angina. Iam not exactly sure what that is I have heard of it but that is it. Luckily, my one aunt is a nurse and was on duty at the time.

So if you could please keep my grandma and my mom and her sibs in your prayers it would be great. Also if any of you understand any of the things I discribed and would like to explain them to me I would appreciate it.

Will keep your Grandma in my prayers...but please remember. someone (family) needs to be there 24 keep track of what is going on..Even, meaning someone needs to be outside of ICU...sleeping in a chair, ect..things can change quickly with someone her age..I know, for I lost my dear Mama the same age 82... Healthy when she was admitted..died 1 week later.....we did not know, just how bad her body was.:eek: Heart, lungs, ect.....They seem to want no one to know, how badly they feel..until the very end.......Thankfully, she passed in her sleep, peacefully. Bonnie


I am so sorry to hear about how your grandma is doing. She and your entire family are definitely in my prayers. Please let us know how she does.

God Bless & Take Care!
Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. Hugs and prayers are coming your way for her and the family. I certainly agree with what Bonnie said. I volunteer in ICU one day a week and it's so important to have someone from the family there at all times. Things can change so fast.
It certainly sounds like your grandma was lucky she was found early on. Hopefully, things will improve and she will be alright.

Like others have said, don't leave her alone in ICU.

You are in my prayers.
Urinary tract infections in the elderly can cause many of the symptoms you're mentioning (especially the confusion and dementia-like symptoms). Older folks tend to not drink enough anyway and get dehydrated really easily, which adds to the problem. It sounds like they found some other concerns when they did her labs--it sounds like she's in good hands but I will keep Grandma in my prayers. Please keep us updated on how she's doing and keep asking questions of the medical team. We'll try to explain as best we can!
Thank you everyone for your replies and prayers. So far I haven't heard any more details on things going on. My aunt works at the hosptial so hopefully she will be able to keep an eye on things. I will update later today. My parents are going over to see her after my mom gets out of work. I am sure my other aunts and uncle are keeping an eye on things as well.

Thanks again for all the good wishes and prayers

Well I have an update on my grandma. The doctor said that she did have a heart attack. She is not able to stand up on her own. She will be in the hospital until thursday and then go to a nursing home for some therapy on her legs. Then she will be going to my aunts house to live. My aunt is a nurse so she will know how to take care of my grandma. My grandma was saying that Don (my grandpa) is coming to get her soon. She is ready to be with him. So I guess it is just a matter of time. She had been alone too long.

Thanks again for all the prayers. I guess my mom and her sisters and brother will still need some though. It will still be hard when she goes.


It sounds like your Grandma is making her own choices. I will pray that you have the strength to be happy for her when she meets up with her husband again. Try to focus on that celebration and things will not be so hard when she does pass.

In the meantime, spend as much time with her as you can making memories to cherish.
Just sending my love and prayers............

Just sending my love and prayers............

times like this are so hard...................((((hugs))))
Michelle, it's always hard to loose someone we love so much but God has much bigger and better plans for your Grandma. And she'll be with Grandpa again and live happy ever after. What a glorious thought! Spend as much time with her as possible and make great memories. My prayers are with you and your family. Remember that God is in control and He knows best.
Just wanted to let you all know that my Grandma is doing better now. She was released from the hospital on Thursday. She is now in a nursing home where she will be getting physical therapy on her legs. Her color is good and she is talking better now. She just doesn't have any strength in her legs. Once she is out of the nursing home she will be going to live with my aunt. She is trained as a nurse so my grandma will be in good hands.

Thanks for all the prayers.

Michelle, I have been keeping track of this thread and your grandmother is in my thoughts and prayers. Please let her know that she is being remembered by folks she doesn't even know and that we wish her well. Perhaps she will be well again soon - and walking. But then, she will make up her own mind which way she wants to go.