Hi I wanted to ask for prayers for Amy Frank. She has a young daughter halle who was born w/ CHds and had a few surgeries already , Amy is a single mother of 4 small kids and lives on a farm yesterday she had a bad accident on her 4 wheeler and fractured a few veretbre, she will be having back surgery on thursday and could really use some prayers. the good news is right now she is NOt paralyzed, so hopefully she will have a full recovery alth it will be a long hall. some of you may remember Amy because she is really good friends w/ Corbin grabb's family. ifyou are wonderring her ex is taking care of the kids now, so at least that is a help,
You can get updates on her daughters page carepages.com hallefrank
thanks I just can't imagine, Lyn
You can get updates on her daughters page carepages.com hallefrank
thanks I just can't imagine, Lyn