Postponing Jan 9 Surgery

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I'll be postponing my surgery scheduled for Jan 9 as I need to have a colonoscopy done.The colonoscopy is scheduled for Jan 27.I haven't decided when to reschedule my OHS.As I am on the borderline between surgery or not,I have some leeway in postponing it.I'll keep everyone posted.
Good idea!! Very important, those colonoscopies!! I just had my first. Because I may be having my OHS soon, and because I need to have a breast biopsy also, I quizzed my doctors about how to best do this. VERY IMPORTANT........ask about using the GoLightly, the old-fashioned -- gotta drink a gallon of yukky liquid in 2 hours stuff. I would strongly advise against using the Fleet as prep. They are finding that it is hard on the kidneys. (I believe my husband just recently saw an article about this in the NY Times)People are getting dehydrated from using the Fleet. I have no medical traiining, so please ask your doctors.

I put mine off soo many times, it was stupid to. Very easy and not at all like I thought it would be. The prep was yucky but whatever. tis what it tis!!

Keep us posted!

Good luck! Marguerite
Personally, You have a dangerous situation inside your chest, I would rather see that get fixed first, then have the colonoscopy later down the road. I would say your heart issues are far more life threatening at this time, unless you've been told otherwise.
DITTO!!!!!! You should not put off your heart surgery unless you have been advised to do so by your surgeon.I was first told it would be 10 -20 years before surgery when first diagnosed at age 38 with a BAV. 18 months later I was told 3 months tops or heart transplant list was my next option. Make sure you ask alot of questions before putting it off. Best Wishes.
With a 4.8, I wouldn't wait. (Kind of a catchy rhyme) I would see if you could explain your heart situation to the gastro doc and see if he can't get you in before you scheduled OHS date.
oh, I'm back. Didn't mean to underemphasize the need for your valve surgery!!! Please please please, get your doctors in concert about all this!! I got confused with all that when I suddenly needed to do several different medical things and my husband advised I get my PCP or GP or internist, whomever looks over you generally, involved in making some timeline decisions. BEST ADVICE I GOT!!! Let a medical professional guide you as to what to do when and how. There are ways procedures can be tamed down for those with other problems. I'm only stenotic, no other problems, and I'm real glad I got on the ball with the other procedures because I'm starting to get pretty dizzy. Please get some good advice.

Let us know.

I agree with the others about checking with your doctors about your pending OHS.
Not to alarm you but there may be something else to consider. Late last January, my cardiologist determnied my valve was shot. The MRA measured the aortic aneurysm at 4.7. My surgery was scheduled for mid Feb. However, in early Feb, I developed a sinus infection. My former PCP (a total jerk and idiot) did not agressively treat it. It only grew worse. He knew of my up coming surgery and refused to see me again after I was not getting better:mad: :mad: :mad: . I saw his P.A. (he tried to cancel that appt.too). Anyway, my surgery was rescheduled twice because of the infection.

When I finally had my surgery in mid-March, the aneurysm meseaure at 5.4. It I had waited too much longer, I might not have been around to type this post.

Sorry but I have to agree with the others. Colonosocopy can wait. The reason I found out I needed MV repair was at the MD appt for clearance for the colonoscopy. The doc said the heart came first. Prep and procedure for colonoscopy may not be a big deal to you but it may to your heart. Sorry to beat this thing to death but I think you get the point from all we have said.
a little note on the 'prep' for mum had the best prep ever apparently,,,mainly consisted of appljuice and rice-bubbles from memory...she said it was heaps heaps better than the last-time she had one!...might be worth asking about.

I do like the suggestion of chatting this through with your PCP...I would follow their advice.

good luck...we shall be here waiting for you whatever you decide.

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