Post Surgery Visit with Surgeon.......

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
After my CABG surgery four years ago, I saw my surgeon only once post surgery and never again until I learned I needed valve surgery (but thankfully no bypasses; clear arteries and bypass ).

Will I only see him once post surgery from valve replacement (bovine) or do some of you see your surgeons more?

Most thankfully, at six weeks post op, I am having an uneventful recovery. I see no issues that would require anything more than a 'sign off' visit.



I only saw mine once post op...6 weeks...when he told me I couldn't run until 8 weeks, even though the cardio gave em the green light. I waited. Only see the cardio once a year now (surgery 1/25/07).
I saw mine once in the ICU (as I was waking up) and that was it. The follow-up visit was with a fellow because my actual surgeon was - get this - in another surgery. Of course, this is what I expected with the facility that I went to given the huge number of surgeries they do. I was actually told by the nurses that my surgeon sometimes did three, or even four, valve surgeries per day.
I saw my surgeon twice post op. Both times he was doing rounds with his entourage of minions in tow. Nothing scheduled after I was released, only with my cardiologist.
My surgeon came to see me when I was waking up and still on the vent. Then he came to see me in the ICU the next day. He was supposed to see me 2 months after, but it turned out to be 5 months afterwards!! (If I had had problems, I could have called a certain nurse who would have had me see someone else.) When I had the appointment 5 months after surgery, he said he would see me in the Valve Clinic every year (that's how they obtain their statistics). I saw him in February 2007, but I didn't this year because I don't want to bother him for nothing. The Valve Clinic sends out a form every year which I fill in, etc., so they have that information. In any case, what is nice is that I know I can see him at the Valve Clinic if I want to. In fact, I think it is easier to see him now at the Valve Clinic now that I don't absolutely need him than it was to see him in another part of the hospital when I really did need him!!!
There seem to be a wide variety of experiences related to this question. I wonder if it depends on the particular surgeon's preferences, or particular hospital policies, or perhaps personal medical insurance issues, or none or all of the above.
Thanks, everyone. I saw my surgeon three times in the hospital after my surgery but perhaps because it was a reop for me. We had 'done this' together four years ago. I presume I will only see him the once for 'sign off' and most assuredly to offer him a big thank you.
I saw mine twice after discharge from the hospital but once due to fluid around the heart??then at six weeks when he stood on my chest to see if I screamed:eek: ?.I didn?t so he released me?.He is a nice guy but I hope I never see him again;)
That's exactly what I told my surgeon when I said goodbye and thanks to him four years ago. Nice as he was, it was my sincere wish we never meet again (professionally). I meant it in the nicest way but seems we did meet again. :eek: I don't think I'll use that line this time.
Sounds like you probably have your answer, but I thought I'd contribute. I saw my surgeon several times while in the hospital, during rounds during the week and even on Saturday. However, since discharge I've only seen him once - today. He checked me out and discharged me to my cardio, and said I didn't need to see him again unless I have any problems. As a couple of folks have said, I hope we never meet professionally again. :D

My surgeon's office has a close relationship with the hospital and with my cardiologist's practice. Before surgery, my cardiologist outlined that my care would be: Surgeon's practice-1 month; cardiologist: 3 months; pcp: from then on unless referred back to cardiologist.

Never saw surgeon after early morning visit just during surgical prep, but his practice had PAs on site at hospital, and also had 24/7 telephone coverage for problems after I went home. I only had to call twice, but it was very comforting to have that support.

From the forum, I gather that we don't have standard experiences in this area.

I'm agog reading of 6 month, 1 year followup visits with surgeon. My husband found the surgeon very compassionate and involved when there was a problem immediately after surgery, so I can only conclude that the volume of surgery in our area makes long-term personal followup impracticable.
My surgeon visited every day with his "nerd herd" in tow.
They all enjoyed a chance to question me....being a 45 yr old woman in a ward full of older men.
Since my release I am in the care of my cardio and GP, the surgeon is too busy doing surgeries.
I saw my surgeon three times while I was in the hospital...essentially every other day...and also right before I left. Unfortunately, I live in TN and had my surgery in TX, so I never got to see a surgeon at the 4 week post op follow up...had to see my cardio and also a local surgeon's nurse. Having my surgeon 12 hours away is a big challenge for me...getting answers and instructions post op.

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