Post Surgery Palpitations .... Anyone else?

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Jun 16, 2011
Troy, Michigan
Hello All,
I am 33yoa, and 4+ weeks post-up from MV Repair and AVR (bovine). Prior to the surgery for about a year, I experienced numerous episodes of PVC's (premature ventricular contractions), confirmed by a couple of halter monitors and ECG's. However, I was hoping after surgery I would no longer be burdened with this annoying heart rhythm. Not the case... Since surgery the PVC's have continued and recently have become more frequent than ever. My doctors are planning lab work to check for electrolyte issues and blood issues. My BP is relatively good and a normal HR range as well, no fever, no chest pains, no shortness of breath and no dizziness, just annoying heartbeats!

Anyone else out there have any experience with a similar issue? What was your outcome and how did the doctors resolve it?

Thanks and take care of yourselves!

AVR/MV REPAIR - NOV 2011 - University of Michigan Hospital - Dr S. Bolling
My PVCs are more frequent than before my surgery, but my cardio does not care...they are benign! He related them to my "synthroid" medication, especially if I am on a high dose. So, I try to take half the dose in am, and the other half at night.

Recently, I get a couple of palpitations now and then, mainly the end of a long tiring day or after I drink coffee, coke, hot chocolate...any stimulant!

Keep us posted.

Similar experience that has never been resolved. Sorry to be the bearer of disappointing news.


Same here. They've decreased in frequency over the years (6) but I threw a bunch just yesterday. I think mine are related to the amount of fluid I'm retaining and that increases in warm/humid weather like we've had the past few days.
Hi again,

I thought I should do more of a detailed response. I had palpitations pre AVR surgery (2002) which I thought would go away after the valve was replaced. Unfortunately, they didn't. At times they can be really bad and last weeks on end. Other times they will go away and not return for ages. I usually get a very bad headache, a feeling as if I'm being strangled and rapid and very slow heart beats. There are also no apparent triggers apart from humidity. Humid weather seems to bring them on. Occasionally, they have resulted in AF. I deal with them by trying to ignore the symptoms and sometimes I take beta blockers, which seems to settle them for a while. I have learnt to live with them, but still wish they would disappear. I hope yours are a temporary glitch which will vanish in the not too distant future.

All the best.

Almost every person gets PVCs heart patient or not but some just don't notice them. If yours are bad enough to notice before surgery odds are they will be more noticeable after. It's possible they may disappear altogether with time everyone is different, I'm 5 months post op and get noticeable PVCs everyday when before surgery I rarely and I mean rarely noticed them. Have a ticking/thumping heart beat now because of a mechanical/graft makes it even harder to ignore. It is noted that beta blockers can even make these worse instead of better. I guess the rule is give it a year or more and re evaluate the situation then, I'm hoping my flip flops fall into the background as time goes on as well.
Here's one more experience.

I've had some problems with this off and on since my surgery. I suspect mine are primarily related to mineral imbalances; and post-valve replacement I seem to be more vulnerable to mineral imbalances.

Some medications, including heart medications, can contribute to mineral imbalance; becoming overheated or becoming dehydrated can also.

And consuming filtered and bottled water can also contribute to mineral imbalance.

About a year and a half ago a holter monitor showed [I think it was about] 15,000 PVCs for me in a single day. It was rough! I took a beta blocker for a couple of weeks until I couldn't stand taking it anymore but it knocked them down and they haven't been a problem for me since.