Post Op update

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Active member
Nov 2, 2009
Austin Texas
Well I had AVR & aneurysm repair surgery on Dec. 1st, was sent home on Dec. 5th and so far all is going real real good.
Sleeping has gotten so much better. I am able to sleep in bed again and even able to sleep on my sides. I have never been able to get good sleep on my back so this has been quite the relief. My shoulders and shoulder blades are still sore as heck, but that also gets better every day.
Went to surgeons office for follow up this morning and was told everything is coming along very well. The incision has healed nicely, my sternum is tight and stable. It still gives me those expected pain and numbness moments now and again, but overall I feel pretty good. Was told I could drive short distances as tolerated but not so sure this is a good idea yet. Actually did not see the surgeon but his P.A. He also gave me the O.K. to start increasing my walking and other simple activity within tolerance. Will be getting set up with cardiac rehab next week. I think they will probably push me a little harder, quicker, than I would do myself. I understand they will also be monitoring me at the same time so I won't worry so much about overdoing things.
I am so grateful that my recovery has gone well. Now I need to find out what is going on with my wounds from abdominal surgery earlier this year.
All of a sudden I am getting alot of drainage from the surgical wound that is still open. This is where I had fistulas removed and it is coming from the same spot as before. I have talked to my GI surgeon about this and he is more concerned about getting my heart issues resolved before going to far with with the abdomen. Doesn't think that it would be another fistula this far post op (July 09). It seems it is not uncommon for these to just close up and heal on their own. Hopefully that is the case here.
Anyway, all is going well as far as the OHS is concerned. Still need to remember to take things slow and easy and not push things too fast.
Will keep you all updated as recovery progresses even further.

Kevin -

Many of our members have found that MASSAGE works best on Sore Muscles. A Vibrating Disk Massager works wonders whenever my Back Muscles tighten up.

For stiff / tight shoulders, I found the "Arm Cycle" exercise machine at Rehab (or many gyms) works Wonders at loosening them up.

Glad to hear you are doing so well.

I forgot, which Surgeon did your surgery?

'AL C'
Will be getting set up with cardiac rehab next week. I think they will probably push me a little harder, quicker, than I would do myself. I understand they will also be monitoring me at the same time so I won't worry so much about overdoing things.
I am so grateful that my recovery has gone well.

Still need to remember to take things slow and easy and not push things too fast.

I am so happy for you Kevin. Cardiac rehab will be beneficial to you. The monitoring gave me great comfort that I was progressing well. Don't worry, if your heart rate gets too high, they'll come running.

I felt so good during one session I started running on the treadmill, they made me slow down and said my heart rate was too high. Needless to say, I was the only one running on the treadmill. The staff at Seton (Cardiac Rehab, same floor at Austin Heart, 5th floor) is wonderful, you could not be in better hands.

You are doing GREAT! :):)
Glad you are doing well. You will be a good candidate for cardiac rehab -- bet you will enjoy it. All best wishes for further smooth recovery.

It is a real blessing to be able to sleep with ease. For many of us, sleep did not come easy for a long while.
Thanks everyone,
It feels good to be going in the right direction for once.

Al, it was Dr. New who is with the Seton network of hospitals here in the Austin area. Fantastic surgeon in my opinion.
I think I will try the massage therapy as it sounds beneficial plus it is so relaxing after a good session. My wife would probably appreciate one also after all that she has endured lately.

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