Post-Op question

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2015
B'ham, Alabama
How many of you guys came home on Oxygen? My dad had to be on Ox after his AVR but had smoked up till just before his surgery. He was saying I will not be able to sit in my recliner reclined. Is this true? He was suggesting that I get a hospital bed for post Op @ home. I was under a different impression.
John_MiG-19;n853316 said:
How many of you guys came home on Oxygen?

not me, would seem strange to me unless the person was also suffering from emphysema or something like that.

He was saying I will not be able to sit in my recliner reclined. Is this true?

it may be true but seems unlikely unless you are very unhealthy. The biggest struggle is getting in and out of lying down on the bed and indeed rolling over onto your side (do not do this in the first few weeks). Get out of bed with a rope fitted to the end of the bed - pull with your elbows tucked in tight

He was suggesting that I get a hospital bed for post Op @ home. I was under a different impression.

I would share that "other impression" ... I slept in my bed and was glad of it.
I didn't come home on oxygen ! And on the cardiac ward I was on there was no one on oxygen at any time except when in ICU.

You may not be able to sleep on your recliner reclined, but you should be able to sleep on it with the back in a more upright position. I slept on our sofa when I got home and that meant I could sleep (kind of) with back and head more or less upright, with legs straight out, so half lying down if you like, and well supported. In hospital I made the bed go into that position, so that I was sleeping/dozing the same kind of position. it was impossible for me to sleep lying down for the first six weeks or so. Being on the sofa meant it was easy to just swing my legs over the side and be upright no problem when I wanted to get up. If you have a good bed with supportive headboard and big pillows I'm sure you can do the same. If I'd had a recliner I would probably have used that - whichever I found the most comfortable. Certainly no need to get a hospital bed for at home.
I was on supplementary oxygen for a couple of days in ICU and maybe one day in the cardiac ward. I had complications, though, as my heart rhythm and rate were really wonky for days, until I was implanted with a pacemaker. Then it all settled down.

At home, I spend my nights in a recliner for several weeks, but not due to breathing issues or inability to get into and out of bed. My digestive system was so stopped up from all the meds that I was only comfortable in a semi-upright position in the recliner at night. I was re-admitted to the hospital at 4 weeks post-op to get it all sorted. After that, my regular bed was just fine. I never had any issues getting into and out of a regular bed. Being a smaller guy and being in good physical shape helped me there.

I did meet one fellow who came home with an oxygen tank. He had heart surgery as well as a nasty heart attack. He was in my cardiac rehab cohort. His first day on the treadmill he had his oxygen bottle right alongside the machine. By the end of the 12-week class, he was doing just fine without it.
Didn't come home on oxygen and was able to sit back in a recliner and lay in bed first night home. Probably dependent on condition when you went in. I'm a relatively fit 45 yr old non smoker.
I'm overweight and quit smoking almost 5 years ago. I am relatively healthy other than the BAVD and the AA. Just turned 53. My pops was 65 when his surgery occurred.
John_MiG-19;n853363 said:
I'm overweight and quit smoking almost 5 years ago. I am relatively healthy other than the BAVD and the AA. Just turned 53

reckon you'll be fine and your arrangements at home will be fine too

just make sure you obey the guidance about lifting thing (even if your muscles can the Keystone of your chest {the sternum} may not be up to it till after 8 weeks).

You'll be fine :)
I did not have oxygen and I slept in my bed from the very first night home. I am a side sleeper and my husband put a ton of pillows at my back to help support me and one between my knees, just like the nurses did in the hospital. Turning over was bothersome, mainly because of all the pillows. Getting up was not hard because our bed was high off the ground. I'm average height (about 5' 6.5"), so I was able to sit up from lying on my side and just put my feet on the floor.

You will figure out what works best for you! Take care.