Well-known member
Hey there, I am still in Ohio and post op day 13 found myself in the ER with a throbbing muscle spasm between my shoulder blades. I couldn't breathe and it took IV morphine and a strong muscle relaxer to get it to subside. I then spent 2 days admitted where they ran x-rays, CT, and an echo. They found a little pericarditis and pneumonia forming in my lungs. Got IV antibiotics, lasics and not finding anything else sent me on my way last night with a 5 day antibiotic and a muscle relaxer. I am totally wiped out really wondering if this does get better. On the bright side every cardio intern wanted to listen to the valve, kinda felt on display lol. Trying to get home to Atlanta but found out tonight that my kids at home have been exposed to the covid. So who knows when I'll get back home to Atlanta.