post op cardioversion for atrial flutter

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I am 4+ weeks post op mitral repair and maze. I am in atrial flutter (?almost) all of the time. My cardiologist is recommending cardioversion. I am on digoxin again. I am still relatively hypotensive, so no beta blockers. Am still complaining of dehydration and being lightheaded - so he though maybe an attempt at sinus rythym might provide an atrial kick and make me feel better. Has anyone had this done post-op??
I am 4+ weeks post op mitral repair and maze. I am in atrial flutter (?almost) all of the time. My cardiologist is recommending cardioversion. I am on digoxin again. I am still relatively hypotensive, so no beta blockers. Am still complaining of dehydration and being lightheaded - so he though maybe an attempt at sinus rythym might provide an atrial kick and make me feel better. Has anyone had this done post-op??

Hi Terry i never had this done since immediately after surgery x3
But not on any beta blockers either ,i am lightheaded quite often
and was put on amiodarone right after surgery for mitral valve
i had a maze done also.Had a-fib real bad,now it's quiet (BUT)
I'm in close end of stopping the amiodarone,it's been a horrible drug
for me and not sure what will take effect upon stopping it,presently
on 100mg and soon to stop cold turkey with Dr assistance.
I will be holter monitored and another echo etc,etc but drug takes
some time to leave my system after the initial stop of it.
Post-up cardioversion i can't say but i wish you all the best.
hopefully someone can chime in and relate to you post-up,just want to
wish you well with this.

zipper2 (DEB)
I had my first a flutter six years post op. They did an ablasion about one and a half years ago. Then a-flutter returned a different Rhythm. Was put on Tycosin and then zapped (cardiverted) Then returned to sinus rhythm. Two weeks ago. Seem to be in rhythm. I was never symtomatic. Just sounded like a freight train (St Jude valves in the aortic and mitral positions) Doctor says I can stay in rhythm a day a month a year. Guy is a good doc. just being honest. A flutter in itself is not life threatening. Just a pain if you are symtomatic.
I had AVR last year (2008) and was in and out of A-fib several times in the hospital. They cardioverted me twice and I finally self-converted. I was on Amiodarone, atenolol, and warfarin for most of 2008. I have heard that Amiodarone may shift A-fib towards A-flutter. About 4 weeks post op I went back into what was described as A-flutter. It may have been due to consuming caffeinated tea; I now avoid caffeine.

A flutter was miserable for me. My quality of life declined drastically due to being symptomatic with an inability to tolerate almost any activity like walking short distances. With activity my HR would go from 105 to 230 causing SOB, a feeling of impending doom, and a visible, pounding heart beat.

Local cardio was ready to do an electro-conversion but he consulted with an EP who suggested an ablation for a permanent fix. I had read that temporary arhythmia or tachycardia was common after surgery so I emailed my surgeon at CC. He said that an ablation was too aggressive so soon after surgery and even a cardioversion would not likely keep me in sinus rhythm. He further suggested that I wait 3-months post surgery and give my heart time to heal before doing any treatment. I was able to suffer with A-flutter and waited about 2.5 months post-op before having a cardioversion. My heart has been in sinus rhythm for almost a year now with no recurrence of the A-flutter. I hope this was helpful.

Take care,
Thank you all for the responses. I am waiting for the cardiologist to call about the possible cardioversion on Friday, when I will be 5-6 weeks post-op.
I do not want to take amiodarone, can't take beta blockers, and continue to have a lot of lousy days. Am becoming depressed about not feeling better, and am unable to return to work. I have read that it may take several months after the maze procedure for the heart to heal and stabilize. Don't think I can wait that long, however.
So, thanks for the support. I do appreciate it.
My husband had surgery this past Wednesday. He had episodes of A Fib pre-surgery but it became constant post-op.

They tried cardioversion 3 times 3 days later but there was no change.

Today his surgeon mentioned that he'd like to try the cardioversion again in about 8 weeks.

I'm still very new at this stuff so I apologise for being a little vague about details.
I was in A flutter a few times PRE-op,and was cardioverted successfully,
for one of my episodes. IMO,I woould rather be cardioverted first and then
if unsuccessful,think about ablation or anti arrhthymics.
My best-Dina
BTW- I was also very symptomatic with my flutter too,I hope your
conversion will be successful.
Thank you all for the responses. I am waiting for the cardiologist to call about the possible cardioversion on Friday, when I will be 5-6 weeks post-op.
I do not want to take amiodarone, can't take beta blockers, and continue to have a lot of lousy days. Am becoming depressed about not feeling better, and am unable to return to work. I have read that it may take several months after the maze procedure for the heart to heal and stabilize. Don't think I can wait that long, however.
So, thanks for the support. I do appreciate it.

I really know what you mean about the depression associated with A-flutter. My heart surgery pain and etc was nothing compared to the debilitaing aspects of A-flutter. Hang in there, your attitude is important to your recovery. Cardioversions are painless and I think relatively safe, hopefully it will provide instant relief from the conversion and if not maybe do it again. Remember your heart desrves a little time to heal. It has many good years of hard work ahead that it will do for you, so allow it to have a little rest now. Good luck with it and stay away from the coffee and stress.

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