poor puppy

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GAINESVILLE, Fla. Aug. 27, 2004 ? A man jumped in a pond and stabbed a 6-foot alligator with a pocketknife to force the reptile to release his dog from its jaws.
Matthew Goff, 29, said he was walking Sugar, a tan-colored bloodhound/Shar-Pei mix, in a park when the attack occurred Wednesday evening. The unleashed dog wandered to the edge of the pond and the gator grabbed its head.

"I couldn't stand by and watch it happen and I had the pocketknife so I decided to try and save her," Goff said.

The gator released Sugar when Goff stabbed the reptile in the eye. The dog then ran home, escaping with three teeth marks on and about her head. Goff had a few scratches.

A state trapper planned to kill the gator if it's found.
my son/wife live in an area between Sarasota & Bradenton, Fl - in reclaimed land. Lakes (so-called, but really holding ponds for excess swamp water) all round and each lake is surrounded by sidewalks where people stroll, run and walk children and animals. All the homes are very close to the sidewalks. One day an alligator was sunning itself very near the sidewalk on son's side of the lake. Other side of their lake is a golf course and golfers play around the gator when it suns itself on that side. Scary!
Im afraid

Im afraid

Id be researching 'gator soup'recipes if one got my dog.... :D
The only time my older cat , K.C. decided to run out the motorhome door (Never did before nor since)And she has traveled hundreds of time with us...It was in Lakeland, Fla. We were put in back over-flow site due to many Canadians who had the better sites up front.I felt like we were in a swamp and someone told us many alligators around. Well, the more I chased her..the more she ran (younger then)..Finally caught her before a Gator had her for lunch :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Bonnie
I spoke to son last night about walking Daisy on the sidewalks behind their home - where the lake is. He already knew about this and has been walking Daisy on the street in front of the house. He said he'd attack if a gator did. Daisy is their only 'child' and he would fight for her. And I'd be scared.
When we lived in Florida we had a small lake(large pond?) on our property. In this pond lived a fairly large alligator. While we were in the building process, we often walked over in the evenings to check on the progress. Since we lived less than a mile from the site, we often were accompanied by our kids and their friends. One of the little boys owned a dog that Irene. Irene was a little beagle and my husband Tom really really disliked this dog and the feeling was mutual. Irene would get into our trash and dig in our garden and use our yard as her own private bathroom.

One day we had not only kids with us but Irene came along as well. Irene ran ahead of us and not only ran out on the dock but jumped in the pond. Well, the alligator quickly bobbed up on the other side of the pond and the dog's owner, Richie, started screaming and was going to jump in and get him. Tom, being younger and quicker then, jumped in and hauled Irene out before the gator got him. I think the big splash Tom made probably made the gator think twice anyhow but all the kids thought Tom to be a hero but he and Irene never did become friends. I heard him say many times that he should have let the gator get Irene.

We called the state and they send someone out to remove the alligator as a nuisance gator.
Im glad he saved her

Im glad he saved her

All it means is they both have strong personalities, dogs know , and she was just vying for attention.
He is a hero. woof..
hi all!
we just got back from a week in los angeles, CA. one of the most wonderful things that struck us all was that they actually bring about 20 to 30 dogs to a grassy spot in town ( caged and not caged, just leashed) from the pound and try to give them away.
naturally, we fell in love with one of the dogs, but joey's motto these days (we already have 2) is " it's you or the dog" insured that we would only play with these puppies.
as sad as it felt to us, by the end of the day they had 2 puppies left out of all.
so, it was such a feel-good day and event.... just had to share.
I used to love to go to the nearest SPCA with a large box of milkbones, hand them out to all of the dogs in the cages, and pet the ones that were willing. It made me feel good to give them a treat and a little attention, even if was only for a few minutes for each dog. Of course I wanted to take most of them home, but already had one at home and didn't have the room or the money to adopt any more. We also have a bunch of "community" cats around my apartment complex that I feed daily. I buy the cheap house brand, but these cats are not finicky at all. I just hate to see them have to dig through the dumpster to eat something that may make them sick.
This Thread Gets to me...

This Thread Gets to me...

As an animal lover of all sorts I would love to bring every stray animal home....it hurts to not be able to, as when I was younger, a friend of mine and I would collect up all the stray cats/kittens and take them to the SPCA as we couldn't afford to take them all in. 4 years ago, my cat, Bandit and his brothers and sisters were left in a box outside a store that a friend of mine worked at, and I was very fortunate to take the last kitten home, and he has been my saving grace ever since...What a precious gift to be given....

Bryan, I don't know how you did it...I would have been visibly upset at not being able to take them home...but that was an awesome thing to do....Harrybaby666 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
As most

As most

of you know I managed a restuarant for years..I used to give our'waste' to dogs all over our area..lol..they miss me now..but what I also do is each Christmas takre how ever amount of lbs. of dog/cat food that I can afford to our nearest shelter.
That way some furry friends have a decent Holiday meal.. just me Im a dog..woof..woof
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When I plan my Xmas list next month..I plan to do the same thing this Xmas. We have a small shelter.. #1 on xmas list. buy animal food and take to shelter. :) :) We have hundreds of feral cats that live in our village. they eat well, due to many restuarants on main street. Last year, someone talked about catching them..why. they bother no one and probably good for the mice that hang around the cafes, ect. :p I have only had 1 stray living here. she was beautiful. Black and white and fixed..so I knew she was lost..Thank goodness, new neighbor with no animals took her. She now sleeps with them everynight. Bonnie

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