Poll: Allow Location Viewing In Profiles?

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Poll: Allow Location Viewing In Profiles?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Someone has taken my left arm and right leg and are holding them hostage until I post this poll. Please help me save my limbs from assured destruction! :eek:

Do you want to be able to view the location of a member in their profiles?

Yes or No
Yes, if they choose to provide the information, I find it helpful in getting to know a member. It gives a "physicalness" to their personality, if that makes any sense.
I agree with Karlynn...

I agree with Karlynn...

I find it very interesting to know where I am talking to when I am chatting with others. I think it is very interesting to find out how life is in other parts of the country/world. Harrybaby666 :D :D :D


I want every single member to list their locations in their profile.

However, at this point, approximately 60% of registered members have chosen to not provide this information.

The only reason I could find as to why people were not entering it is because they did not want to share this with the world.

Am I mistaken?

I could make it visible but mandatory, but that doesn't seem right either.


I voted Yes! I don't know if it would be exactly right to make it mandatory as to their exact location, but even just their state, general location of the country or providence would be helpful. I agree with Harry666 that it's interesting to find out how life is in other parts of the country/world too.
They don't have to be specific, they could just put state or country unless you want it specifics. I'd just like to remind everyone that what you do on the internet is not private. If you've posted somewhere else or whatever, the search engines have you. If someone wants to find you, they will.
It really all depends on how personal the location is. Knowing which state or country may be helpful, but knowing a person's address is not OK for the world to see.

We all must remember that in addition to our little known group, there is a whole world of unknowns out there looking at every word we post.

AND they are not all sane or on the up and up.
You should probably have the information. Could you make it mandatory for new members to provide it, then give the option of posting it or not as they see fit? Maybe stick it with their avatar rather than with their profile?
I'm guessing that if they don't want their location known, they aren't going to provide it no matter what is done. It's one of those things that really cannot be controlled.
I would have 2 address fields when people register. One is for the required address info that Hank needs for his data. The other SPECIFICALLY MARKED as what will show in their public profile. That way they can put as little or as much as they like in that field. They could put "planet Earth", US, Australia, GB, Texas, Milford, OH or any 'ol thing they want people to see.

Hank, would that work?

I came back to check the poll results and make sure you had set up some way of a "one vote limit". Otherwise it could turn into another American Idol (where do they get all those votes??).

I find the "location" sometimes helps in your reply to questions. We do it one way here in the U S of A and the UK, Canada, and some other countries face another set of circumstances. And it is always nice to see if they might be "neighbors" that you are replying to. On several AICD sites I am a member, they do not show the "where you're from" on the Forum Page (you can get it from their profile--if they list it there). One glaring difference about AICD implants is in the UK they "automatically" remove your driving rights for 6 months then you can get them back if the Doc says so. If you have a AICD shock you and you pass out your driving can be taken away for 5 years. Here (I did a google search) almost all states leave it up to the Doctor to recommend driving or not.

Put it back (continue to make it "optional") so we can see "where" we are talking.

May God Bless,

I've read the posts through several times, and I still don't understand, I'm sorry. Obviously, it is very helpful to know generally where someone is, and I often check that. Were those locations removed? If so, please put them back. Are they going to be removed? In that case, please don't. I must still be pumpheaded, I can't tell.

Up on the right top side of each member's profile, under the "join date", there was a line that indicated each person's place of residence. This info differed for each person in the amount of information provided. Some members had city & state, some just a state, some just a country. That line was removed by Hank a few days ago in the interest of privacy.

However, some of us feel the information was helpful in knowing a little about the person. I, myself, can't even give a reason why but I always found it interesting to know in what area someone lives.

This thread was started to let Hank know if we all want that line back.

Hope this helps explain.
Thanks, Gina, for the explanation. I just voted yes as many times as I could. I didn't notice the location was missing.
I guess we could just put it in as our custom user title or will that get taken away also? :confused:
Take Care
probably respectfully, optional

probably respectfully, optional

I think it should be optional. However, I think that members should realize that it can be very helpful to know where a person is located (and by this I really mean only the state or region or, if outside US, the country). It helps because medical communities differ. Some of us may not have strong medical communities close by and it would be very useful to connect with those, fairly close, who do. It also makes for friendly chatter about the weather and other events. It also helps when so many of us are on different clocks (time zones) as to when we can expect answers, etc. I don't actually think you can make it mandatory. You don't actually NEED that info, do you?

Anyway, my 2 cents. :) Marguerite
I personally like it but I can understand how someone new to the board may hesitate to give out that info. I think our pictures on our avatars though give a greater clue to our identity :) . I know my own PCP sometimes visits this board plus others in the small town in which I live. I know that what I write may well be viewed by many people. Even my own grown sons have made comments like, "Mom, I didn't know you......." after they read entries I made on this board. I just smile at them and say, "Well, now you know."