political funny

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Christina L

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2003
Estes Park, Colorado
This is a very "fair" parody of our two U.S. presidential candidates. Maybe some of you have seen it. Click on (www.jibjab.com) - I think most of you will get a kick out of this.

As we all know, discussing politics only leads to trouble (this election especially), SO just enjoy the cartoon and let it go at that!

Christina L.



Is it a no-no to put anything political at all on the board?? If so, you can wipe this off. I think the cartoon is very impartial and as long as no one says ONE word either way for either candidate, thought it would be okay to post to give people a chuckle.

If not, you know what to do!! :)


I haven't had the opportunity to harass you in a long time. It's overdo. Now on with the harassment, check your PM's, and on with this thread. :D

Besides, we need some excitement around here or I'll make a short video of me dancing naked to post just to get someones panties in an uproar! Bon and Hensylee can post their belly button piercings too!
This was sent by members of both political parties and the site was so busy I couldn't get in. Then I saw it on TV. Hilarious. Fun.

Love Ross' chastisement. Esp the little red guy.


That's the funniest thing I've seen all week. Thank you a million times, Christina for posting it. :D :D
Christine, I saw the video a week ago. It is hilarious. I thought both parties should have started out their conventions with it.

Ross - why wait for a slow time on the site? We're all waiting for the video. :eek:
Karlynn said:
Christine, I saw the video a week ago. It is hilarious. I thought both parties should have started out their conventions with it.

Ross - why wait for a slow time on the site? We're all waiting for the video. :eek:
Hank, I need to borrow your camera. The natives are getting restless again. :D
My Aunt had sent me that link a few weeks ago and I played it and played it it was soooo funny. Both sides just crack me up. "You can't say nuclear and that scares me..." That is sooooo true. I think that everytime I hear W say nukooolar. And Kerry saying "I'm a veteran" every other sentence. It really does a great job of paroding (sp?) the race. The music just makes it the best. I have strong views on the candidates but I'll keep them to myself. Til November :)
Outrageously funny!

Outrageously funny!

Thanks, Christina

I saw that several weeks ago, considered posting it for the community here, but then chickened out because I didn't want to start anything!! So glad someone else did!! It is so well done!

This will be a very interesting election.........enough said!

I received it in an email from a member a few weeks ago! Not mentioning names! :D Laughed my butt off! It was a nice Monday morning wake me up! I believe the creators of it has been all all the talk show, day and eve! One thing we all have to do once in a while is have a good laugh! Though I think around here we get a lot of laughs! So, Rossman, do you have the camera yet! ;)
No Lorraine I don't. I probably should have used the left over money from the computer purchase to buy one, but I spent it on food instead. Shows where my priorities are huh?

As for posting political threads and discussing campaign issues and the poor choices we have for candidates, go ahead people. It's not a taboo. All you have to do is be respectful and keep it civil. Personal attacks on anothers views or flamings of them are what brings them to a halt. If you can't play nicely, don't play at all!