Please say your prayers for Gary

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1 more day and we will be in the hospital for heparin, Monday the cath and Tuesday is the big day.
Please say lots of prayers - this is his 3rd one - I cant believe I am going to be sitting in the waiting room again.
Thank you all for all of your support, your encouraging words and your vast wealth of information. We would not be where we are today without you. You all made me see the odds are in his favor - that medicine has come so far - and that there is hope - and that we are not alone.
Okay enough mushy stuff - I am on a mission to get him in, out and home to recover in his recliner with my nagging close by!
Thank you again,
Chrisandgary said:
1 more day and we will be in the hospital for heparin, Monday the cath and Tuesday is the big day.
Please say lots of prayers - this is his 3rd one - I cant believe I am going to be sitting in the waiting room again.
Thank you all for all of your support, your encouraging words and your vast wealth of information. We would not be where we are today without you. You all made me see the odds are in his favor - that medicine has come so far - and that there is hope - and that we are not alone.
Okay enough mushy stuff - I am on a mission to get him in, out and home to recover in his recliner with my nagging close by!
Thank you again,
Christine, you are amasing. with all you have going on and you have taken time to answer my call for help. I have a reply for you on my forum. But i will tell you again some of what it says. You And Gary are in My prayers, And i will Tell you again, we cant be there in person, but remember thet we hold you in our hearts. So when you are there and you feel like your going to panic, just close your eyes and try to feel our hugs and prayers. Im sure everyone here will be praying for Gary Tuesday. God bless both of you.
We'll definitely keep Gary (and you) in our prayers. The lead up to surgery is so tough too, so we'll be praying for a real sense of peace over the next couple of days. We look forward to reading your post about Gary's recovery. He'll be in that recliner and rolling his eyes at your nagging in no time!
All the very best,
Chris and Yolanda
Prayers will be on the way. I hope you both have MANY more years of "nagging." God Bless You BOTH.

Of course you have our prayers and all our positive thoughts coming your way. I know you probably don't feel that way at the moment, but you're an incredibly strong woman to be going through this with Gary for a third time. I hope you can feel all the hugs and love coming to you from all of us here.
Chris and Gary-

I'll be thinking of you both and waiting to hear how things went. Joe's third surgery was so difficult to wait around for. I was a wreck. But it turned out well.

Best wishes.
Chris, I'll be thinking of you and Gary and praying for the best possible results for him. He is one lucky guy to have such a smart, strong and proactive partner.

I will also being saying a prayer for you, Gary and your family over the next few days. I hope everything goes very well.


There are many of us who have been through 3 OHS and have done well. Try to get some inner calm from that fact.

HOWEVER, you will still worry and the day will be long. Please know that we are with you and will be praying for you both.

Hugs coming your way.
Hi Christine:

I just got back from vacation but wanted you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you, Gary and your family.

Chris, you and Gary will be in my prayers all week. I'm praying for a successful surgery and recovery and that he will soon be home in that recliner with this whole part of life behind the two of you.
Thinking of you both

Thinking of you both

Chris, come Tuesday I'll be thinking of you and Gary. You both have to look
forward to the day when this will be behind you and Gary will be his old self again. You are not alone as all Vr.comer will be pulling for you that day. I know Gary will do fine. Look forward to hearing the good news from you :)
Good luck and God speed. Gary will be in my prayers for a successful surgical outcome and an uncomplicated recovery.
Prayers Coming

Prayers Coming

My prayers and lots of postive thoughts headed your way. I know how it helps to have a strong supporting spouse. I loved the support and the nagging.

God Bless,

Good luck and Godspeed to both of you. We'll send our best wishes all week. -- Jim

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