Playing musical instruments

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2001
Sarasota, FL
Are any of you out there musicians? I played the French horn in the local community orchestra prior to my AVR. My sterum was too sore to even think about it for nine months to a year after my surgery. In the past few months I've been cautiously trying to get back to it, playing occasionally at my church.
I was a little concerned about the effect on my bloodpressure with all the blowing. My cardiologist didn't seem too concerned - he was a lot more worried about the weightlifting I used to do (I've since cut back on that significantly).
Anybody else play a wind instrument? Any ill effects?

If your cardiologist says OK, then I really wouldn't worry as long as it doesn't bother your sternum. After having your heart upgraded, seems to me your breath control should improve greatly!
go ahead and blow!

go ahead and blow!

I play the clarinet in my community wind band and the chamber orchestra. I resumed playing about 3 mos after my AVR.
I have been playing now with a mechanical valve for 3 yrs.
Last week we performed the Mozart Grand Partita and for once I didn't get too nervous and I was not distracted by that valve noise, I was so relieved because I had some very exposed parts.
It was so much fun, I can't wait to start up on the new music.
I had never played in orchestra before (except pit) and am so enjoying the music.
My sister lives in Sarasota.
So, my advice is to start practicing , get up your stamina for breathing and go back to playing.