Physical vs. Mental Recovery

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Thanks to everyone who responded. You've all expressed similar thoughts/feelings and Yes, since I've last posted, darnit, I had chocolate!

The whole situation is just overwhelming and I guess I thought I would wake up in this Dali Lama Zen state of wow, isn't life beautiful, and yes, on some level I feel that, but on another, well, we wake up with the same problems, irritations, etc. we always had and I'm still struggling with all those feelings.

I kind of reintroduced myself to society today, two weeks post op, the first day I can drive! So I went out and got my nails done. I have these intense black and blues on my wrist from the heart port and the lady didn't notice or didn't comment and on the one hand I'm proud of my story and on the other hand just trying to blend in and be normal. The whole time I kept thinking, does anyone in this salon have any idea what I was doing two weeks ago today!??? Oh well, getting out felt good though. Its also my first day truly alone (my parents, husband and daughter or combos of the same have been with me for the past two weeks straight), so I am definitely now in a position to get in touch with myself without all the chatter. I'm foreever grateful for their support, but ahhh, this silence is AMAZING! Now I will take to my bed for some R and R.

Thanks again

I am glad to hear you went out today to pamper yourself and all went well. However, I am a bit surprised that you were released to drive at only 2 weeks post op - very, very early.

Please be cautious as an air bag deployment or even a fast stop and seat belt locking can be dangerous to your sternum (or did you not have a sternum incision).

How do your nails look?
All the good words these wonderful folks have spoken are wise indeed. But in my case, a few weeks of alprazalom (anti-anxiety) worked wonders. Helped me cope with the crying & other aspects of temporary depression.