I took 3 Rxes to Costco -- 200mg capsules of acyclovir (100 caps), 500mg caps of amoxi and 10mg of Flexeril.
Told the person who took the scrips from me that I needed to know if any of the drugs would interact with warfarin.
She asked the pharmacist, who said no.
I realize that amoxi GENERALLY does not pose a problem, but antibiotics do raise the INR. Taking 2000mg of amoxi before dentals might not raise the INR significantly for a prolonged period, but if you have to stay on amoxi, wouldn't it raise it?
I'm just wondering how much the pharmacist really knows about drug interactions with warfarin...
Told the person who took the scrips from me that I needed to know if any of the drugs would interact with warfarin.
She asked the pharmacist, who said no.
I realize that amoxi GENERALLY does not pose a problem, but antibiotics do raise the INR. Taking 2000mg of amoxi before dentals might not raise the INR significantly for a prolonged period, but if you have to stay on amoxi, wouldn't it raise it?
I'm just wondering how much the pharmacist really knows about drug interactions with warfarin...