pericarditis symptoms

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I windsurfed last week for the first time in 6 months and this week came down with pericarditis type symptoms. I've had them before when I sit slouched for hours after doing intensive exercise. Since it is almost two years since I had my aortic valve replaced, I'm wondering if my valve is too small for windsurfing.

I've learned to control the fluid from building up between heart and lungs by using the breathing device, and avoiding sitting down for long so I expect it will work this time as well. But I still wonder why I can't windsurf without getting these problems.

I've noticed that I can easily pass the stress test because it involves legs, yet upper body exercise seems much more strenuous to me. Another theory, is that isometric exercise like holding on to boom increases blood pressure so harder on the heart. I would be very interested in any other athletes similar experiences.

I love windsurfing and don't want to give it up.
Have you tried doing gentler exercise to strengthen your chest, arms, back and shoulders? I have been using an assisted pullup machine (Gravitron), rowing machine for back, and dumbell exercises for shoulders and arms - curls and lateral raises. It might help to build up muscles in that area.
Interesting. I went windsurfing last weekend for the first time in years. I got into it in college 25 years ago. My surgery was 15 months ago and I have not regained much endurance. I was an avid cyclist pre surgery. Now I can hardly ride at all. I got tired very fast when sailing. I had to quit after 45 mins. I sometimes have to carry an 80lb. ladder on my shoulder at work. I find it difficult and causes shortness of breath quickly.
MarkAlan said:
Interesting. I went windsurfing last weekend for the first time in years. I got into it in college 25 years ago. My surgery was 15 months ago and I have not regained much endurance. I was an avid cyclist pre surgery. Now I can hardly ride at all. I got tired very fast when sailing. I had to quit after 45 mins. I sometimes have to carry an 80lb. ladder on my shoulder at work. I find it difficult and causes shortness of breath quickly.
mark, you had a big 15 months post op your heart may still need some time to strengthen.
Bina, I pray thats the case. It's been frustrating trying to come back from this. My resting heart rate is still in the 90's and ramps very fast if I exersize. I sometomes get dizzy or double vision if I push to hard.

Windsurfer, I gave up using the breathing device a few months after surgery. I've wondered if using it again would help with breathing and fluid build up. I think I'll give it a try. I have also found that taking CoQ10 - I think thats what is called - really helped.