I went for my pre-op yesterday to Motts Childrens Hospital in Michigan. Did the usual tests, started out with a PFT then had a chest x-ray, and then I went to get an echo. That was just about the longest echo in history. I thought jeez this is taking forever. It wasn't super comfortable lying there either because it is harder to breathe lying down and she was pushing that gel coated ultrasound thing down on my chest which is still plenty sore from my surgery a few weeks ago. She finally got done and said she would be right back. 20 minutes go by. Waiting. She comes in again and says she needs more pictures. Well, I thought, at least he is being much more thorough than my last surgeon so I should just be patient. More pictures are taken of the bottom of my heart and she leaves and someone else comes in to take my EKG. Then I wait another 20 minutes because someone else wanted to see the echo before I got dressed. Finally I am told to get dressed and a doctor wanted to go over my echo in an exam room. I go back to where my mom and best friend are waiting and we go into an exam room and wait another 30 minutes for the doctor to come in. He says he has some bad news and that I had developed a bad pericardial effusion and that I had so much fluid around my heart that the top of my heart was collapsing in on itself. They also noticed that the stenosis is really extensive and is even on the mitral valve a little bit. The surgery is going to be much more difficult to get the aortic valve out with out damaging the mitral valve. Well, I have had a tough month and that was about the limit for me and I just sat there and cried. My mom and my friend were upset because they feel and I can tell you the doctors and Michigan concur with us but they can't say too much, that this is a result of being abandoned by my first surgeon once he couldn't do the procedure. They did say that they have never in the history of surgeries at MSU opened someone up, closed them, and sent them home.
I was then told my situation was an critical and I would have to go in for a surgical procedure to remove the fluid. They would take a small cath needle and go into my chest until they reached the fluid without touching the heart. Sometimes this can be tricky but in my case there was so much fluid the chance of touching the heart was less than 1%. A nurse took me to a waiting area and another nurse took me out again and I went to a recovery area away from the little kids where it would be quieter so they could go over more information. Well, I don't know what went on but we sat there for 2 hours. A very nice nurse tried to figure out why the Anesthesiologist and lab hadn't come up yet. After about an hour and a half my name is paged over the whole hospital that I needed to call securtiy at #####. My nurse was flipping out. She calls for me well evidently they have been waiting for me in surgery for an hour and no one knew where I was at. What??? Then the phone in the area I am in rings and I hear the nurse arguing with whoever it was and getting very angry. She then says the women on the phone needs to speak to me. I am in a gown and a blanket so I shuffle down the room to the phone and this women YELLS AT ME!!! Where have I been??? Why did I not do as I was told and go to the lab. They have been waiting. I could not believe this. I went from crying to pissed off. I told her a nurse had came to the waiting room and brought me here. "And just where is HERE?" she asks me. I said well since I don't work here and didn't just walk myself up here and sit down and type my own info into the computer maybe she should ask the nurse who was with me. She just keeps going on about how I didn't do what I was supposed to. I just set the phone down and said that was it, I was leaving. Well then all hell broke loose and there were people everywhere. Nurses yelling and carrying on. The nurse who was getting in trouble the most was the only nurse who was ever nice to me that whole time. My friend wrote everything down, names, times, etc. I told the nice nurse that I was sorry she was getting yelled at for things that were not her fault. Finally, the anthesisologist and the surgeon along with some head of cardiology came up to talk to me and apologize and beg me to stay and let them do the procedure so I could make it to my surgery on Monday. They were very nice, said nothing like that has ever happened before and that no one should have spoken to me that way and they would handle it personally. After much discussion I agreed to the procedure. I was given something to relax because the tears were really rolling by this time and they took me to surgery. I had 300cc of fluid removed using two different entry points an woke up in recovery. I was evidently kept awake and talking because it was too dangerous to knock me out with that much fluid but I don't remember any of it. There was talk of keeping me over night but they said I did so well that I could go home. We left the hospital about 9:30 that night and I was all groggy on valium. Came home, threw up, and went to sleep. They said I would hurt pretty bad this morning and I do. But my heart is sooooooo quiet. I don't even see my pulse in my eyes anymore. I can breathe but it just hurts alot right now. I am still set for surgery monday and that Dr. Bove was made aware of everything that happened and would have a plan to fix my heart and I shouldn't worry.
So theres my re-cap of yesterday. Sorry it is so long but I feel much better having vented to everyone.
I was then told my situation was an critical and I would have to go in for a surgical procedure to remove the fluid. They would take a small cath needle and go into my chest until they reached the fluid without touching the heart. Sometimes this can be tricky but in my case there was so much fluid the chance of touching the heart was less than 1%. A nurse took me to a waiting area and another nurse took me out again and I went to a recovery area away from the little kids where it would be quieter so they could go over more information. Well, I don't know what went on but we sat there for 2 hours. A very nice nurse tried to figure out why the Anesthesiologist and lab hadn't come up yet. After about an hour and a half my name is paged over the whole hospital that I needed to call securtiy at #####. My nurse was flipping out. She calls for me well evidently they have been waiting for me in surgery for an hour and no one knew where I was at. What??? Then the phone in the area I am in rings and I hear the nurse arguing with whoever it was and getting very angry. She then says the women on the phone needs to speak to me. I am in a gown and a blanket so I shuffle down the room to the phone and this women YELLS AT ME!!! Where have I been??? Why did I not do as I was told and go to the lab. They have been waiting. I could not believe this. I went from crying to pissed off. I told her a nurse had came to the waiting room and brought me here. "And just where is HERE?" she asks me. I said well since I don't work here and didn't just walk myself up here and sit down and type my own info into the computer maybe she should ask the nurse who was with me. She just keeps going on about how I didn't do what I was supposed to. I just set the phone down and said that was it, I was leaving. Well then all hell broke loose and there were people everywhere. Nurses yelling and carrying on. The nurse who was getting in trouble the most was the only nurse who was ever nice to me that whole time. My friend wrote everything down, names, times, etc. I told the nice nurse that I was sorry she was getting yelled at for things that were not her fault. Finally, the anthesisologist and the surgeon along with some head of cardiology came up to talk to me and apologize and beg me to stay and let them do the procedure so I could make it to my surgery on Monday. They were very nice, said nothing like that has ever happened before and that no one should have spoken to me that way and they would handle it personally. After much discussion I agreed to the procedure. I was given something to relax because the tears were really rolling by this time and they took me to surgery. I had 300cc of fluid removed using two different entry points an woke up in recovery. I was evidently kept awake and talking because it was too dangerous to knock me out with that much fluid but I don't remember any of it. There was talk of keeping me over night but they said I did so well that I could go home. We left the hospital about 9:30 that night and I was all groggy on valium. Came home, threw up, and went to sleep. They said I would hurt pretty bad this morning and I do. But my heart is sooooooo quiet. I don't even see my pulse in my eyes anymore. I can breathe but it just hurts alot right now. I am still set for surgery monday and that Dr. Bove was made aware of everything that happened and would have a plan to fix my heart and I shouldn't worry.
So theres my re-cap of yesterday. Sorry it is so long but I feel much better having vented to everyone.