Peds Pre-Med Dose

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Can someone inform what the pre-med guideline are for children. We all know what adults take. 2g. Located and confirmed that info. Have been unable to confirm a peds dose. Do they calculate by age, weight? Have had some conflicting info.

Are you talking about prevention of endocarditis before you go to the dentist? The medication depends on the procedure. It also depends on the heart defect.

According to the American Heart Association "Prophylactic regimens for dental, oral, respiratory tract, or esophageal procedures. (Follow-up dose no longer recommended.) Total children's dose should not exceed adult dose.

I. Standard general prophylaxis for patients at risk:

Amoxicillin: 2.0 g (children, 50mg/kg) given orally one hour before procedure.

The cardiologist should also be able to tell you what should be done.

Thank you. Yes, it would be for endo protection. 50mg? Does that convert to 1 500mg tab? We have seen x1 250mg tab 1 hr prior. And also, 400MG x3 tabs 1 hr. Think you may see where this gets confusing.:confused:
50mg is ten times LESS than 500mg...metric works in units of tens...;) ...wasnt "mcg" was it?...they are micrograms...ten times smaller than mg ( miligrams)

using the site PJ popped up for an example...lets say "Junior" weighs 10 kilos or roughly 22 pounds that would require a dose of 500mg ie: ten times 50mf for a 10 kilo child...a 10 kilo child is not very big, it would be an infant or toddler.
1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds

or if you post what your kids' weight is in pounds/kilos i shall calculate it for you...I know my 10 yr old who is tall & very well-fed weighs about 47 kilos.

must be confusing for you guys with your medications in metric and all your other measuring in imperial :rolleyes: ...

There is a small group of us Aussies who had to learn both at school . We changed from imperial to metric when I was in grade 2 and we studied it lots!
Thanks Ton. 500MG is what I figured. 80 pounder would take an adult dose 2000MG. 2gr.

Would you beleive one 250mg tablet was prescribed by the dentist?! I truly pitty the people that just do as they are told. Or, don't have the resources. Scary. Can't wait to put the dentist on the spot. That could have been a tragic mistake.

Thanks again:)
tragic mistake...I hope not ...

I spent the first 35 years of my BAV life without an ounce of prohylactic antibiotic treatment...

BUT...did have way more ear infections and throat infections etc than other kids...especially as a toddler...and had already eaten my way through a regular lifetimes supply of anti-B's by a young age...and remember too that dental and other procedures are SO much more sterile than they were even 20-25 years ago...I honestly dont remember them using those thin latex gloves until maybe the last 10-15 years...
Years ago I called my dentist's office to ask them to call in the antibiotics for my dental cleaning. They had the old protocol so I faxed them the new one. When I arrived at the office, the secretary made a comment that someone had faxed in the protocol. I responded "That was me". What makes it even scarier is that the dentist's own son has the same complex heart defect that I do.


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