Peachy -

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Seems a long time comin for you, but here it is right next door. I pray that all will go 'peachy' for you on Monday. You are in my prayers. Hope someone can post for you; if not, we'll be waiting for you. Godspeed

I'll be thinking about you as you go for surgery. It'll be good to have it over with and to be in recovery mode. You'll do just fine. We'll all be here waiting to hear how things went. I hope someone can post for you.

Best wishes
Thanks Hensylee and Nancy for your kind wishes. Just having a final look at the threads before I go to bed. Will be heading off to hospital tomorrow for the big day on Monday. Can't believe it is finally happening. It came as quite a shock to get my date with just a weeks notice. Will be back soon but meantime my partner will post for me.


I'll keep you in my prayers and will be thinking about you on Monday. Before you know it you be recovering and very happy the worst will be behind you. Best of Luck!
Loving Thoughts

Loving Thoughts

Peachy, I guess you won't see this until later, but I hope you feel the prayers we are all sending your way. Now it is all going to get better. From about day 3 you will begin to marvel at how much better you feel. I know you will think that crazy until you get there. The pain is so low with the meds they give you...but when you start walking and then realize..."I'm not breathing doesn't hurt...I feel pretty good...heck I feel great and the healing is only just begun. Enjoy your new life!
hi peachy!
i just got back from vacation and saw that you are finally going in! great!
you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
please let us know how it all went when you get a chance.
God bless,


This might not catch you Peachy ...hope you got my e-mail ...will be praying for you tomorrow ...ask your partner to let us know how you are doing ..looking forward to hearing all about it when you're home
I'm praying that your sugery goes well and that you feel "Peachy-Keen" shortly!

Take care,


Its 8 am Monday morning and I'm thinking about you Peachy and looking forward to hearing that all is well.