Paul's surgery

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Dr. Laks at UCLA will be doing Paul's surgery on Monday. My thoughts are with Paul and his wife. Elma, do post a message, so we know how Paul is doing.
Thank You

Thank You

Thank You so much Mindy,

You have been a great help for me as I have waited for my surgery date to approach. Thanks to you I knew what was coming every step of the way. I finished all my pre-op stuff yesterday morning. I have been told to arrive at the hospital Monday morning at 5:15 am. So now I have my fingers crossed that I don't get bumped at the last minute.

To those on this board that responded to my inquiry regarding the tissue valve vs mechanical valve decision I was struggling with. I thought I would let you know what my decision was. I decided that I would go with the On-X mechanical valve if Dr. Laks is unable to repair my mitral valve. The reason I went with the mechanical valve is that I don't want to put my wife or myself through this process again any sooner than is absolutely necessary.

I am very grateful to all of you that contribute to this board. Thanks to you all I can calmly wait for Monday arrive.

Mindy, Elma will email you on how the surgery went. Please post it on the board on our behalf.
The best to you on Monday, Paul. You and your family will be in my prayers. If possible, please have someone post and let us know how you are doing. You know how concerned we are.
Paul - You have helped me so much with information. My mind and prayers are with you Monday as you get your "healthy" heart back! You are an inspiration to me! First you will be touched by the awesome hands of Dr. Lak's, and then I, on Oct. 6th. You are going to do so well Paul. Can't wait to join you on the other side of the mountain!

You are almost there! Please have Elma post when she can, as we are anxious to hear! GODSPEED!!!!!!


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