Know all you can, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Know all you can, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
I think when you or a loved one have complicated problems, it really becomes a sort of partnership with the patient and the medical professionals. A good open relationship is very desirable.
The doctors see the patient only every couple of months or so. Your care goes on at home in between appointments. What goes on at home is a whole other scenario. If you don't know enough about your medical conditions, you will miss some very important clues that should be reported to the doctor early on. That's why I urge everyone to read all they can, even if it scares you, and even if some things do not apply.
I know for a fact that if I didn't do all the reading I do, and didn't act on some situations that happened at home, where there was no doctor or nurse, just Joe and me, Joe would not be alive today.
Feeling free to call the doctor when necessary is exceptionally important. Patients with complicated conditions have a whole different set of problems.
I surely don't want to be swinging out in the jungle all by myself with a seriously ill husband without a safety net. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree not a medical degree, but unfortunately also College of Hard Knocks Masters degree.
Patients and their families can help themselves tremendously by participating in their own care as much as possible.