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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi Everyone,

A good friend of mine, C-Star, posted this message on the WebMD heart board. I thought it was worth posting here also, so, I copied it to our board here. I hope you find this information useful. Please let me know if otherwise.

Also, for those on here that have other heart related issues, not valve related, I would highly recommend that you visit the following WebMD Heart Board. The folks there are very helpful as they are here, and will give you the straight story.

The site is:



June 2002


Combining modern technology with more efficient clinical workflow can enable hospitals to REDUCE medical ERRORS and IMPROVE their FUNCTION while lowering costs, according to a report.

The report was prepared by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) in good 'ol Chicago, Illinois.

The report notes that preventable medical errors account for 12-15% of hospital costs.

Adverse drug events (ADEs), the LARGEST category of errors, can be IMMEDIATELY reduced if doctors use computerized order entry and administer only bar-coded medication. A summary of other recommendations follows.

?Health plans NEED to provide doctors with information on the efficiency of various drugs at different disease stages.

?Hospital reference laboratories MUST supply results that help doctors interpret a medical test and select additional tests or treatment.

?Decision-support capabilities should be provided via hand-held or wireless devices, laptops, or desktop PCs.

?Orders and results need to be IMMEDIATELY available to the doctor and the entire healthcare team.


----??Patients must be informed decision makers and active participants in their care.

With more than 12,000 individual members in healthcare organizations throughout the world, HIMSS provides leadership for the management of healthcare technology, information, and change.

That's interesting. Up to date info. should be readily available to all doctors and detailed info. about today's complicated medicines should also be available swiftly. As our bodies age with very difficult medical issues, diagnosis can be tricky and the resolutions of various issues in a timely fashion is extremely critical for survival. When the doctor has to wait hours for information, crucial time is wasted. And it goes without saying that drug related errors can be fatal.

I've been through some hair raising situations with my husband where time was the very most important thing. Doing things at the right time would have made the difference in whether he lived or died. Unfortunately his health is such that there can be few errors in his care. He's extremely lucky to have some highly intelligent doctors who have saved his life many times over.

Being proactive in your healthcare can be one of the most important things you can do for yourself or your loved one. When your health is complicated, going to the ER or doctor's office immediately when things out of the ordinary happen can save your life. Don't let people slough you off. Just do everything you can to get to help quickly. Know the conditions as thoroughly as you can and watch every thing that is done.
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