paricarditis again...Im in so much pain

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Active member
Feb 27, 2011
I live in Tolna, North dakota
so about a 6 weeks ago I had such servere chest pain... I was told I have stensis in a couple of my valves.. pain started to get better till it was gone.. so I had no chest pain for about three weeks... friday evening I had such horrible chest pain I couldnt do anything.. breath, lay down, sit, stand, etc. I have had fevers & night sweats... ekg came back fine but inflammatory markers are sky high.. do this sound like paricarditis or stenosis again???

Thanks for your help...
It sounds like you should get yourself to an Emergency Room as soon as possible, like right now, if you're still here and can read this. If they haven't been done already, you should have blood cultures done to be sure you do not have endocarditis.
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It could be pericarditis again, but should be checked out. Did the rheumatologist give you prednisone for the last flair? Antibiotics? However, when your system is over-taxed and stressed with a flair, the stenosis could be/seem more symptomatic because your heart is working harder, just like the rest of you. As suggested above, it would be good to rule out endocarditis as well.
I hope you get back in to your doctor soon, even if you go somewhere else beforehand. This inflammatory stuff needs to be knocked out asap. The longer it goes on, the more carried away it gets.
so about a 6 weeks ago I had such servere chest pain... I was told I have stensis in a couple of my valves.. pain started to get better till it was gone.. so I had no chest pain for about three weeks... friday evening I had such horrible chest pain I couldnt do anything.. breath, lay down, sit, stand, etc. I have had fevers & night sweats... ekg came back fine but inflammatory markers are sky high.. do this sound like paricarditis or stenosis again???

Thanks for your help...

I will echo what others have said...get yourself to an ER ASAP...preferably one that deals with heart patients.

I am unfortunate enough to have had endocarditis. Although I didn't have the chest pain symptoms you are having (mine was radiating pain in the back) I did have the symptoms you have that I have put in bold print...and they got worse with time. You need to get blood cultures like Luana said as well as an EKG, chest x-ray, and probably an echo if possible. My blood cultures came back positive in 24 hours but the echo actually spotted the vegetations growing on my valve. It could be something else...but whatever it is it is not good and deserves a trip to the!

CATDOG mentioned antibiotics and steroids (prednisone) for the inflammation. When I had endocarditis every time they put me on antibiotics and especially steroids (usually a Medrol pack) my symptoms always improved and I felt much better. As soon as I was done with them I went right back down hill. If that happens I would suspect something bacterial causing the problem. I had bacterial endocarditis and once it had set in nothing was going to knock it out but broad spectrum IV antibiotics.
What you're describing here does not sound good. If you are in lot of pain go to the emergency room. Play it safe. Please let us know what is going on.
I feel like all of these doctors are putting little pieces together bit by bit.. and if feels like a months has gone by already.. but I have found out so far that I have an infection in my lungs and Im on 80mg of prednisone.. I see my rhuemy tommorrow... but honestly I feel like I need a echo still something is still missing.. but the infection explains alot... but Im sure its not helping my heart any... thank you all for your advice
I feel like all of these doctors are putting little pieces together bit by bit.. and if feels like a months has gone by already.. but I have found out so far that I have an infection in my lungs and Im on 80mg of prednisone.. I see my rhuemy tommorrow... but honestly I feel like I need a echo still something is still missing.. but the infection explains alot... but Im sure its not helping my heart any... thank you all for your advice

Not to scare you but according to my infectious disease doctor my endocarditis was the result of chronic bronchitis (i.e. infection in my lungs). If they would have been more aggressive with their treatment earlier considering I already had aortic regurgitation (and one of my aortic leaflets was prolapsed) it might have been prevented.
it was just cause I was going to the doctor the next day... I went to see my primary and she did the chest xray otherwise we still would be lost.... But I am trying to convince them to give me another echo...

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