Paravalvular leak found- help!

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All, 7 weeks ago I had a new aortic root and aortic St Jude mechanical valve inserted at Cleveland Clinic. With the exception of my heart still thumping in my chest, recovery is going well. But an echo last week found a paravalvular leak between where the St Jude was stitched and the aorta. Cardiologist thinks it was due to a "weak spot" in the aorta or implantation error. The first echo one month ago didn't reveal the leak, so the issue is new. He put it at a "1.5 on a scale of 1-10", but claims if the leakage becomes greater at my next echo, set for Nov 13, then surgery would have to be done to insert a new mechanical valve.

Being the eternal optimist I am, I'm hoping the leak will remain a 1.5 the rest of my life, but because blood is constantly forced through the opening, I'm not sure the tear will not become greater.

Possible for the leak to remain small for my life? Anything that can be done to minimize the tear becoming greater besides keeping blood pressure low?

If surgery is needed, can it be minimally invasive ie a way to plug the leak instead of replacing my valve? If surgery, can I elect to have a pig valve put in place of this mechanical valve?

Thank you so much for your advice.

Sorry, Andrew, for this leak! I have no answers, but I shall pray that it remains at that rate for the rest of your life, or (repairs itself miraculously). Where did you have the echo? Does your insurance cover another echo at another place just for re-assurance.

With prayers
Sometimes, scar tissue can form over the leak and seal it. And that takes several months So let's all pray that this is the case for you. That is probably why they are taking a watchful waiting stance on this problem.

Keeping you in my prayers.
Dick had a paravalvular leak on his first echo after surgery too and it never got any bigger and has not even been mentioned on all his echoes since then. Good they are watching it and I wish you the same good outcome.

Last summer, an echo and TEE detected a paravalvular leak at my mitral valve. This was 4 years post-op. I was told that as long as it remained the same, I was OK.
It apparently has not increased. My annual echo on 6/24/08 was the same.
Andrew ? I just want to echo what many have said ? I am hoping and praying that it will resolve itself.... Try not to worry.... There is nothing to do but wait and see ... I know it's hard.... From what Marsha and Phyllis said it sounds like there is a good chance that you will not have to have a re-op.