I've been having what I think are panic or anxiety attacks.
They are really wierd -- general feelings of impending doom for no rational reason. (And I'm fully aware at the time there is no rational reason.) Not associated with a specific phobia, btw. They usually pass in about 10 minutes or so. I can usually distract myself& make them go away, by taking a walk or something. Worse than the attacks themselves is the fear of recurrence .... !
Since they are not truly disabling, at this point, I want to avoid them becoming so -- so I called Kaiser mental health & I have an appt early next month with a psychologist.
Their procedure is to have a telephone interview with a psychiatrist when you first call, so I did that, and he asked me a slew of questions. He raised the issue of mitral valve prolapse. He suggested maybe I should be checked out for MVP.
Well, I told him, sure, I've had mitral valve repair for a malfunctioning valve, but I was never diagnosed as having mitral valve prolapse.
Looking up mitral valve prolapse on the net I find that, in fact, panic/anxiety attacks are often one of the symptoms of MVP. MVP symptoms include palpitations, rapid heartbeat, etc.
But I have a rapid heart beat anyway (have had it since shortly after the surgery) & I have palpitations, although they do not necessarily (as far as I'm aware) show up when I get the panic attacks or whatever they are. The anxiety is in my mind rather than reflected by any physical symptoms.
I've been diagnosed as having atrial flutter, and it's always been implied these symptoms are related to the atrial flutter. (My cardio has me on coumadin for the flutter but otherwise he has never seemed to be worried about either the rapid heart beat or the palpitations -- which have never really bothered me either). Nobody's ever suggested I had MVP before! Do I now call my cardio's office & try to get them to check me out for MVP before I see the psych? I really do not feel the panic attacks (or whatever they are) are related to any heart condition.
They are really wierd -- general feelings of impending doom for no rational reason. (And I'm fully aware at the time there is no rational reason.) Not associated with a specific phobia, btw. They usually pass in about 10 minutes or so. I can usually distract myself& make them go away, by taking a walk or something. Worse than the attacks themselves is the fear of recurrence .... !
Since they are not truly disabling, at this point, I want to avoid them becoming so -- so I called Kaiser mental health & I have an appt early next month with a psychologist.
Their procedure is to have a telephone interview with a psychiatrist when you first call, so I did that, and he asked me a slew of questions. He raised the issue of mitral valve prolapse. He suggested maybe I should be checked out for MVP.
Well, I told him, sure, I've had mitral valve repair for a malfunctioning valve, but I was never diagnosed as having mitral valve prolapse.
Looking up mitral valve prolapse on the net I find that, in fact, panic/anxiety attacks are often one of the symptoms of MVP. MVP symptoms include palpitations, rapid heartbeat, etc.
But I have a rapid heart beat anyway (have had it since shortly after the surgery) & I have palpitations, although they do not necessarily (as far as I'm aware) show up when I get the panic attacks or whatever they are. The anxiety is in my mind rather than reflected by any physical symptoms.
I've been diagnosed as having atrial flutter, and it's always been implied these symptoms are related to the atrial flutter. (My cardio has me on coumadin for the flutter but otherwise he has never seemed to be worried about either the rapid heart beat or the palpitations -- which have never really bothered me either). Nobody's ever suggested I had MVP before! Do I now call my cardio's office & try to get them to check me out for MVP before I see the psych? I really do not feel the panic attacks (or whatever they are) are related to any heart condition.