Paleo Diet and warfarin experience

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Aug 24, 2013
Portland Oregon
Hi All,
Had AVR almost 6 months ago, Recently felt comfortable and ready to really get involved with more vigorous works outs and diets - the program i'm currently in follows the Paleo Diet - considering the elimination of dairy, seeds, legumes and focusing on meat, vegetables and fruits i guess it's fine as long as it's maintained (with moderation) should be OK?

Anyone out there experience this?

Thanks & Good Health to all!
As long as you're consistent you'll be fine - the phrase used around here is 'dose the diet'.

Have a look on google for info on paleo for athletes, which allows you a bit more flexibility with complex carbs needed to fuel your workouts. :)
last I looked paleo diet was light on the green leafy things ... so as its only Vitamin K that you are interested in with the dietary intake (effecting your INR) I would think that its going to be OK.

as always, keep testing weekly :)

I eat moose and deer as well as the fish I catch (and shop bought ones too) ... does that mean I'm on the paleo diet without knowing it?

(<fogHornLegHorn>I say that's a Joke son!</fogHornLegHorn>)
Pellicle you're more paleo than most people on the paleo diet who get their meat from the supermarket! Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're trendy. ;-)
While it's a good idea to dose the diet, many have found, and studies previously linked to have shown, that diets with a decent amount of vitamin K in them have lead to more stable (and therefore more successful) ACT. If we accept that as true, then consider that eating leafy greens, while not necessarily considered a mainstay of the 'Paleo' diet, might benefit you significantly and surely will not hurt you!
When my mom was alive, she was taking warfarin for afib for many years. She never had any issues with eating her greens - she just took care to stay consistent and had her dosage adjusted to manage INR. I think what yotphix is explaining is that it is easier to remain consistent with your Vitamin K intake if you consistently consume a moderate amount all the time. That way if your intake varies a bit, it is like varying it by 5% of 100 units, rather than 100% of zero units if you don't normally eat your greens. Am I confusing you? I can try again if so. . .
So far so good. i've increased my leafy green intake then kept it consistent. my INR reading have been right in the zone where i need to be.
the other aspect i find unusual is the paleo promotion of various meats that i think would be considered a no-no such as bacon and sausage. i know the idea is to get all your meat that's grass fed no HMO etc etc. But with certain cured meats the salt is the issue... yes? and should steer clear of such. any thoughts there?
I eat Paleo - have done so for over seven years now. I'm not on warfarin. With Paleo the idea is to eat meat (preferably organically reared and grass fed), fish (preferably wild), eggs, nuts, leafy green veggies and fruit such as berries, anad good fats such as coconut oil. Some 'Paleo' people have small amounts of dairy. Bacon and sausages are fine but you should try to get organic ones and not sausages that are full of rusk and bread - get ones that are pure meat and fat. Salt is actually quite important on Paleo as you will most like be low carb and your kidneys don't hang on to sodium like they do when people eat high carb standard American diet. Here's some really good books about Paleo which explain a lot about exercise (and salt):

This website is good:
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Sounds good, Anne, but my wife would never go for it. She has never met a carb she doesn't love. . . When she was growing up, that "last meal of the day" wasn't dinner unless it was meat and potatoes.

For me, on the other hand, if I was having a second helping of anything, it would be the meat - and maybe a vegetable. I didn't develop my love of fresh breads until adulthood. Is there hope for me?
I've really enjoyed the past 30+ days on the Paleo diet (went the Whole 30 route) still a bit confused as to the sodium side of eating bacons and sausages. Fortunately i'll be going in for a physical in a couple of weeks and will see through the blood work what's going on and the results from changing my diet.
Blood work doesn't change that quickly on Paleo, but over time your HDL cholesterol rises - it can push up your total cholesterol, but that's only pushed up due to the high HDL which is good and heart protective.

Sodium doesn't matter so much on Paleo because generally the way of eating is low carb and your kidneys loose sodium when you're low carb so you need to eat more of it anyway.

Just enjoyed dinner of fried trout with stir fired zucchini and red peppers and a glass of red wine :)
Oooooh. . .sounds so good, but my gallstones probably wouldn't like all the oil. I've been on a reduced-fat diet for about 30 years since a gallbladder attack. They told me that if I followed the low/reduced fat diet I might not have to have it removed. Since the removal procedure back then was wildly invasive (bigger incision than for heart surgery, similar long recovery), I "opted out" of the surgery. Low-fat diet probably hasn't hurt me, but I do miss some of the treats. (I have been known to cheat, though.)