Pain settled, then came back...??

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Aug 30, 2010
Smyrna, GA
I am 7.5 weeks post op now, from my 2nd surgery. The first surgery was 6 days before. Failed repair (long story, I explained in an earlier post). At any rate, things started to go pretty well. Feeling good, being able to lift my toddler a little, etc. But starting about a week ago I started to get a little pain to rev up in my chest area. Felt like my lungs, when I breath deep mostly. I'm not on any pain meds now so I can't compare it to pain post op, but it's not exactly comfortable.
My question is, well, questions...did anyone experience kind of a "break" in the pain at 4-5 wks post op, then have it return? Could this be just muscle and connective tissue that's been on hold and is now ready to get back in the game?
I've confirmed there is no infection b/c saturday I finally had to take a trip to the ER...the pain woke me up out of a dead sleep and laying on my back was impossible!
EKG - normal, Chest xray - normal. Bloodwork had 1 thing that was low, D- something, which could indicate clotting, so onto CTscan - normal, no clots. Echo - normal, new valve is working exactly as supposed to.
Like I said, has been coming on for almost a week and at this point I still have the deep breath pain, chills, and a lowgrade fever. Any ideas?
I just wanted to know if anyone had an experience like this around the same post op time.
My first thought was how heavy is your toddler? Justin had weight limits for lifting for 8 weeks, I'm wonderring if it is a case of over doing? My other thought would have been you have some fluid around your heart or lungs, but that should have shown up in the echo.
My vote would be Dressler's Syndrome (or post-pericardiotomy pericarditis). I think you've hit about all the symptoms for it. If it is that, it can be usually be treated easily with NSAIDS or sometimes with steroids. I would check in with your cardio first think tomorrow.

They mentioned that (pericarditis) right off the bat yesterday. But they ruled it out. Luckily I have a follow-up with my cardio tomorrow morning and I'm going to mention all of it, bring my results, etc.
My first thought is what Lyn said. Could very well be a case of over doing it.

Good luck with the cardio. Let us know what he/she says.
OK, Ill be the one

OK, Ill be the one

Hey, watch the stress levels. Don’t underestimate the power of stress as it applies towards pain in your body. Don’t get me wrong, I am usually the last person to start up with the whole "its all in your head" crap, but our body AND MIND have all been through a hell of an ordeal, and you much more so than many of us.

Our brains have been conditioned to feel a lot of pain in that area, don’t let those brain receptors set up an ugly cycle of pain. We have had the notion of not over doing it beaten into our heads for weeks. We need time to re-program the other way too. Keep on with your docs, but get your mind around what’s going on too. Watch your stressors and be aware of anything that may set you into a cycle of pain response.

Best of luck to you and I sense relief is not too far off for you.
i did have a "break" in the pain for awhile then around 8 weeks i could have used my pain killers again but of course they were all gone! i just used motrin. that only lasted a few weeks though. now at almost 7 months out, i do get achy often. but not bad enough to need to take an aspirin or motrin.

hang in there! it truly gets better every day.
Did your Surgeon give you a Weight Lifting / Pulling / Pushing Limit and ramp-up schedule?

Most patients are told NOT to Lift / Pull / Push more than 5 lbs for X weeks and some sort of ramp-up schedule.

'AL Capshaw'
As much as I hate to admit it you're probably right, AL. It stings to sit back and watch the weight of the entire household be carried on my wife's shoulders. So I probably did start doing too much too soon.
You make a good point too, Jake. Stress can do all kinds of things to us.
I really appreciate everyone's input. Always very helpful to turn here.
Thanks again,

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